
I cheated and addressed all the thank you cards before the wedding, then I only had to worry about non-wedding attendees sending me stuff (which, weirdly, happened).

I planned my wedding around when my sister was most likely to be on the correct continent, and when everyone else was most likely to have time to attend. I like my family and friends (at least, the ones I invited) so I have no desire to make their lives difficult if I can avoid it.

Maybe she’s preparing her own run for the presidency. I mean, she wasn’t even official and won the debate. Fox would drop Trump like roadkill for a chance to get their own robot in office, even if she’s got girl cooties.

Excellent essay, thank you.

Huh, my mom went with “We need to do lots of research first to make sure it’s healthy and safe. We could talk to people who have tattoos to see what they feel about having it done. I want to go with you when you get it done, to make sure the person doing it is doing everything right. Maybe we can watch them tattoo

When my father started business traveling to places with questionable public health his company offered him a range of pretty esoteric vaccines. Each one came with three numbers: chances of catching disease, chance of vaccine working, chance of vaccine reaction. I remember the malaria vaccine at the time all three

Enforcement of vaccinations would be more effective if the unvaccinated-by-choice were also barred from other high-risk places — hospitals, public parks, public pools, theme parks, daycare, sports teams, restaurants . . .

More proof that Republicans only care about children who are not yet born.

“When in doubt, it is always the parent’s choice,”

Anything loud, bright, flashing, early, late, smelly, or crowded.
At this rate I’m going to need a sensory deprivation chamber by the time I’m 60.

She specifically points to an example where she says a colleague took blood—not fetal tissue— from a “high gestated” patient without her consent.

He’s saying that his area of Louisiana is a lawless hellscape where only the heavily armed are safe? ‘Cause that’s how I read it.

If they’ve made one big mistake like this, how many other mistakes have gone undetected? How many people got flu shots instead of necessary boosters? How many seniors at risk for pneumonia because they got the wrong shot?

If the medical malpractice was that they amputed the wrong leg they don’t get to argue that she should have gotten a different prosthetic or a cheaper variety of wheelchair. Why would her pregnancy choices come in to it at all?

Can we just vote Cruz out of the human race now? I’m pretty sure there aren’t any other primate species that will take him, but the animal masturbation article suggests that penguins might be morally flexible enough.

Half of 70 isn’t 15, at most you could get 30% good, 30% bad and 40% clueless. So, 70% or more are dangerous to the public, presuming the even split. Although, I’d argue that any clueless cop is going to be dangerous at some point, they may be influenced by their partner but their partner isn’t going to be universally

I’m not sure it’s physically possible to not resist in those circumstances.

She was honest and compliant right up to the rape.

That makes 85% of cops dangerous to the public. I think rabid polar bears have better odds than that.

Notice they aren’t courageously assuring proper handling human tissue for research. They aren’t even courageously assuring proper handling of medical waste.