
She specifically points to an example where she says a colleague took blood—not fetal tissue— from a “high gestated” patient without her consent.

He’s saying that his area of Louisiana is a lawless hellscape where only the heavily armed are safe? ‘Cause that’s how I read it.

If they’ve made one big mistake like this, how many other mistakes have gone undetected? How many people got flu shots instead of necessary boosters? How many seniors at risk for pneumonia because they got the wrong shot?

If the medical malpractice was that they amputed the wrong leg they don’t get to argue that she should have gotten a different prosthetic or a cheaper variety of wheelchair. Why would her pregnancy choices come in to it at all?

Can we just vote Cruz out of the human race now? I’m pretty sure there aren’t any other primate species that will take him, but the animal masturbation article suggests that penguins might be morally flexible enough.

Half of 70 isn’t 15, at most you could get 30% good, 30% bad and 40% clueless. So, 70% or more are dangerous to the public, presuming the even split. Although, I’d argue that any clueless cop is going to be dangerous at some point, they may be influenced by their partner but their partner isn’t going to be universally

I’m not sure it’s physically possible to not resist in those circumstances.

She was honest and compliant right up to the rape.

That makes 85% of cops dangerous to the public. I think rabid polar bears have better odds than that.

Notice they aren’t courageously assuring proper handling human tissue for research. They aren’t even courageously assuring proper handling of medical waste.

I don’t understand why the politicians are coming out with “defund them” rather than “prosecute them” if they really believe that laws are being broken. There hasn’t been (thankfully) any targeting of the research programs that are supposedly buying tissues either.

::citation needed::

But tax payers were not paying for it before. It’s illegal already for government money to go towards abortion. This is removing the 98% of planned parenthood services that are unrelated to abortion — contraception, cancer scans etc. That less than 2% of services that involve abortion are paid for by public donation

Because it’s okay if girls play on the losing teams, but we can’t have fragile boys losing to a team with a girl.

The officials are in trouble not because of the existence of the rule, but because they didn’t enforce the rule this year until one of the girl-compatible teams made the playoffs.

Those little boys need to learn that treating girls as equals means sabotaging your chances of success. It’s not enough to be an asshole if you can’t make other people assholes too.

That always confuses me. “If someone in church had a gun . . . “ Someone did have a gun, he shot a bunch of people.

You mean there are places in the US without preachers screaming on street corners, Jesus fish and the what-church questions? I know there are varying degrees of crazy, but here in Columbus Ohio they don’t wait for summer to start screwing up sidewalk traffic — outside the statehouse it’s nearly year round.

The republicans seem to be against HPV vaccines, birth control and public health care. Can we just call them the pro-cancer party now?

Having a child who is willing to question authority isn’t always a bad thing — she just needs to learn to look up the words to prove herself correct (or not).