To understand recursion, you first must understand recursion.
To understand recursion, you first must understand recursion.
My apologies, I didn’t mean to discredit your experience. I try to muffle my knee-jerk reaction to reading ‘helps with depression’ but it gets away from me sometimes.
Just to be clear, feeling depressed can be helped by moments of awe but clinical depression gets worse instead. Awe is one of the things you lose in clinical depression — it can be really hurtful to know that you should be feeling it and can't.
Nothing you grow up with is awe inspiring. Intellectually, I can understand why Niagra Falls is so interesting but to me it’s every cheap grade school field trip, damp cold and bored silly.
Barium enema lower intestinal tract radiography is consistently voted by radiologists as the most interesting and beautiful images. That is just a cool thing that’s out there. I think if we are trying to legislate the creation of interesting medical imagery he’s overlooking the obvious.
I’m guessing it’s some combination of “It’s God’s will” and “But doctor’s don’t REALLY know, maybe they’ll both be fine!” So, denial. After all it only happens to other people.
Anything that encourages teens to pour salt on the ground instead of consuming it can only be a good thing. Learning Latin and practicing negotiation skills is just a bonus.
So, um, can we start teaching teenagers science now? Or at least marathon ‘Supernatural’ episodes until their demon summoning attempts are less pathetic.
If you are reading classic literature and there isn’t some larger discussion about cultural attitudes or historical context than I can only assume you are doing it wrong.
If we paid a living wage, we wouldn’t be a revolving door for unhappy, desperate employees who leave as fast as we can train them and have no investment in the success of the company. Maybe stockholders ought to drop the living wage for CEOs so they can be encourage to go on to the music careers they are clearly…
I love that there’s zero time between grope and wallop.
Usually I love the competence stuff, but nothing on that list did anything for me. I’d suggest:
He is hugely narcissistic (as noticeable in that he was concerned about ruining his own life with this bad behavior, not his sisters). I think he probably thinks he is god, or a reflection thereof, so when he forgave himself the higher power must have also.
If they truly believed that persons with penises cannot control themselves then they’d put locks on their damn doors. It’s just a convenient excuse.
“...the right of every woman to get the love and care she deserves while she is facing pregnancy.”
The Daily Beast article is playing fast and loose with terminology here. A service animal is not the same thing as an assistance animal and neither are the same as a therapy animal.
So we know he got a year of camp, any information on them getting the girls therapy? Very important to make sure the molester realizes this is unacceptable behavior. More important to get the girls some therapy after they were assaulted in their own home, in their sleep, by a trusted family member.
“Pop” is what happened when I sprained my calf muscle. I was trying to figure out what she sprained.
But the wolf isn’t wearing a flower crown.
... but making a dildo joke proves nothing about one’s propensity to lie about rape. Nor does being depressed