
I was going to ask if we were coworkers, but when this happened to a coworker of mine we were working for a health insurance company and it was a manager complaining about “the internet” being down. You’d think people would understand the basics of electricity by now.

Also ‘rapture’ is from the same root word as rape. Which is why I find people talking about The Rapture in glowing tones deeply disturbing.

Well, so long as every time a guy has sex with a different woman the penis breaks off and he has to wait for it to grow back I’m all for the regrowing hymen. You know, as a sign of trust.

I just don’t think women take something like rape or incest lightly. And I can’t imagine any person would take advantage of that type of situation.

I’m not convinced rape is about intimacy — it’s about power and control. ‘Proving’ that the attacker is stronger than the attacked, because they can take something by force. I can’t see a significant difference between that and any other kind of assault. Except, perhaps, that no one rapes in self-defense and it’s

People are threatened by murderers, thieves and muggers too. No one listens to a story of a mugging and then claims the mugging didn’t happen, you must have beaten yourself up, if you don’t want to be mugged you should have fought back . . . . There is something else going on here. I can understand the victims feeling

Yet no one says “it’s your fault you were burglarized, you had a welcoming looking house.” or “it’s your fault a drunk driver smashed into your car, you shouldn’t have had the top down.”

So I was ashamed that I didn’t feel grateful.

I feel kinda bad for Affleck. He really is a comics and superhero fan but he’s getting all the wrong roles. There are naturally goofy/charming superheroes, even in the my-parents-are-dead DC universe. Would he not make an excellent Booster Gold?

She starts with “I got really drunk and . . . “ which implies she could not give consent. Even if they worked out the plan the previous morning (one hell of a conference call, I imagine) if she was drunk then the consent bit is pretty questionable.

It’s much harder to control what kids and teens are reading when they can get reading material on their smart phones without intervention of adults. Any librarian discouraging reading is a traitor and insult to the proud profession but I’ve met enough school and small town librarians to find it terrifying likely.

10 to 1 there is a secretary in that admin office who layers on the foundation with a trowel every morning, but she’s over 30 so it’s okay.

The admins involved should be required to hand letter any future signs (pre-printing press style) until they are ready to realize why technology exists.

Like we don’t have enough trouble getting teens to read? Not only do they have to field complaints about reading books that are too new, not sufficiently educational, inappropriate for age group, too religious, not religious enough, insufficiently patriotic, too historically accurate, not historically accurate enough

That’s the horrifying sneaky bit about soft sexism (or any soft -ism for that matter). Misogyny is obvious and ugly and much easier to identify and fight back against. Soft sexism is only visible in comparison to other behavior, and it’s so reasonable it undermines even after it’s identified.

It is exactly manipulation, but only if you don’t manipulate back.

BUT this reminds me of how badly I want to get “she lacks the indefinable charm of weakness” (Oscar Wilde) tattooed on my body someday. SOMEDAY.

Not that it helps, but I got the same crap as a white woman. Too confrontational, too pushy, too bitchy, insulting, and when I tried being polite, too sarcastic (okay, that might have been true). When I tried to be nicer I got ‘lacks confidence’, ‘doesn’t engage’ and ‘doesn’t complete objectives’. I decided to stick

I had one of those where I worked. In a conversation involving five people he constantly, and consistently interrupted only me, and often to just repeat his previous statement. It became like a tennis match (imagine the other three heads volleying back and forth), me trying to wedge a word in edgewise and him

Got fired for not doing enough work when my male boss repeatedly gave assignments on my files to male co-workers.