
God, I hated that 'show your work' crap. Partial credit for a wrong answer is useful, but partial credit for a correct answer because the work you showed isn't explicit enough (you 'skipped a step' because it seemed obvious') sucks.

I'm not really convinced that the larger parrots (or even the medium sized ones) are really domesticated. For the most part humans can't select mates for them, and birds raised as pets do not also breed. So selecting for pet-traits gets complicated even before you consider the long life spans and the fact that the

Was there someone out there saying that children born of rape are ugly? Or that
abortion should be mandatory in cases of rape?

Because they also think that women lie about rape all the time and it doesn't really happen.

He's not much of a financial consultant if he doesn't understand the financial burden of pregnancy and parturition — even assuming a healthy pregnancy without complications. Even if the 'beautiful child' resulting is raised by someone else.

We know the fetus can feel pain and is not viable so we want to assure that it will feel as much pain as possible before it's inevitable death. If we can get the mother to experience pain and health difficulties that would be great too.

Or prenatal care.

Maybe if we say that 'Margret Atwood' is a pen name of 'Ayn Rand'.

The stages this went through, too. First the parent came up with it, presumably while tanked with her sister. Then maybe the presented to grandma, who was like SOLID IDEA LADIES. AND THEN they went to a co-worker who ALSO THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA.

Apologies if it's too big. This is my first try getting a photo to post on Jezebel. Above is Luther, Mississippi Mud Turtle of at least ten years of age (he was an adult when we got him a decade ago). He's about two inches tall, likes climbing trees and plotting doom to all who do not bow before him.

Those who use 'female' as a noun are clearly unable to distinguish between species — thus are likely putting inappropriate moves on farm animals.

I like parrots, but I'm scared of the commitment necessary. I mean 'til death do you part' I can manage with my husband, but for a parrot you need to have care plans written into your will. I'm freaked enough by the fact that our turtle could theoretically be immortal.

So that leaves crows, squirrels, racoons, and feral cats to take out nests of rabbit kits. Predatory birds for the adults. This might just be the usual unbalanced environment after new construction.

Even 'shushing' a child is obnoxious. Also ineffective and condescending. But then ineffective, obnoxious, and condescending is really Rand Paul's style.

When I graduated my profs suggested staying away from game development because of the rep for some of the worst 'orphans wanted', burnout-expected work environments. Gender didn't come into it. Now female game developer (or male) is the same kind of career choice as inner city school teacher. Worthy of respect, sure,

Assuming the person he finally kills is the one he's been threatening. He could take out some unlucky random soul because they are Islamic assassins or brain sucking aliens or brunette and female.

As a Canadian, I feel confident that our Sergeant-at-arms can handle this dangerous jackass as efficiently as the last one. Though the katana and the BB gun will have to stay at the border as it's unlikely he has the appropriate licenses.

Isn't street racing, um, also illegal?

Someone who is afraid to go toe-to-toe with a powerful woman shouldn't be running for the presidency (or any office). It's not like Angela Merkel is going to disappear from the world stage to comfort the American president.

Or at least do religious exemptions old style, you need to prove that your religion is 1) widely accepted (no manifestos you wrote on vacation) 2) actually disallows vaccines and 3) that you have been practicing said religion for at least three years (including any dietary/lifestyle restrictions, etc).