I have this vague hope that the ebola panic will lead to more people getting the flu shot this year.
I have this vague hope that the ebola panic will lead to more people getting the flu shot this year.
I didn't get a lot of world geography once my family moved to the US (only a bit more in Canada — need it to discuss the British Empire after all). I was the only one in class who could find Spain on a map but couldn't name an "east coast" state.
For a big chunk of history being 'virile' was a requirement of leadership — it's not like Clinton was the first slutty male in a position of power.
I'm just glad not all of us have our lives defined by dumb things we did at 22 years old.
. . . to treat clients with products rich in the red wine grapes' polyphenols, which are compounds found in grape seeds, branches, vines, and the marc (what remains after pressing the grapes) that are often leached out and discarded during the manufacturing process.
I apologize if I offended any art majors with the comment — some of my best friends are art majors! Honestly, though, they spend as much time and effort at it as the engineers and pre-med/pre-law students for less prestige or hope of reward.
Because jail is a place with so much excellent prenatal care?
Honestly, having an MD talking about cultural issues or even political issues is just as annoying as having a non-MD talking about medical issues. Education isn't a check box.
African American, Hispanic and Asian women
Teaching statistics in grade school would save so many lives.
If I shoot someone because I know they are dangerous due to previous experience of that danger, I'm exaggerating the fear. If I shoot someone who I don't know anything about, and have no previous experience with, that's okay?
Doctors-who-are-not-medical-doctors sometimes have very interesting and important information, and sometimes that information could even be relevant to the discussion. I'm glad someone is out there studying the dissemination of information during a viral outbreak or the effects of national policies on hospital…
But do you care about the historical trends in kelp basket gross profit as a percentage of GNP in times of economic expansion(1843-1928)?
I'm not sure I've ever managed a cross-country commercial flight that didn't involve "fatigue, muscle aches and malaise". If anyone says they got through their wedding planning without experiencing fatigue and malaise they are lying. I'm pretty sure malaise is Cleveland's top export.
My favorite is the doctor-but-not-medical-doctor. 'Cause I always take medical advice from the guy who wrote his thesis on the economic history of underwater basket weaving.
No, no, they are just "doing the best they can". Women nurses are incapable of making any informed decisions on the risks involved and are being led astray by the democratic party's control of the science of immunology, epidemiology and virology.
I used to work for an aviation company, from what I can tell the bias towards female voices for warning systems is mostly folklore. Everyone claims to have seen some regulation or study that says female voices are more likely to get attention faster, or are clearer, or are calming but in reality most systems offer…
I worked for a defense company and the non-compete was less restrictive than what is listed here for JJs. Granted, I wasn't in a defense department but I still worked with stuff that was trade restricted.
Nine full-coated Persian varieties? He'd need to be retired just to keep up with all the grooming.
Bonus points to Agatha Chan for writing a coherent letter instead of giving into blind rage as I probably would have.