
I still love that Fallout 3 trailer. It tells you so much about the style and the story without having to say it out loud. It’s what I always show people when I’m trying to explain how great fallout 4 is and they’ve never heard of the series.

Cube is my favorite example of sci-fi that’s completely rigorous to its premise. Part of that is probably because they shot the thing on a single half-set, so they couldn’t really do anything besides fixed-camera interior shots. But those kind of strict limitations often make for the most creative screenplays and

Perhaps someone with more direct knowledge can respond – is there any reason with the state of California shouldn’t offer subsidies to rice and other water-intensive crop farmers to switch to vegetables or drought-resistant crops? It seems like the long-term cost of water procurement from other states will be much

Some GMO products increase pesticide use, others decrease it (e.g. Bt corn). Others have absolutely nothing to do with it (the “Innate potato” for example). If Chipotle had said “we’re not buying roundup-ready soybeans or corn because we’re concerned about herbicide’s effect on the environment,” that would be one