
and I’ve already wasted enough effort on you.

Please clap.

Just shut the fuck up, is what we’re all saying.

She had to do 90 to catch him? That means his average speed was lower than hers

More of this in the games industry, please.

And there it is, the Three Shells Poop Comment! Let’s see, that’s the 10th comment in the first thread...and it was published 47 minutes after the article itself, sooo...

Wait, you stick your hand down into the toilet you just shit in to wipe? What if it made a pile higher than you expect? Or, especially if it’s an unfamiliar toilet, the top is closer to the water than you’re expecting?

The unnamed driver was ejaculated from the sunroof of his 1996 Toyota Corolla.

Ok, route 8 in Connecticut, ground zero for traveling in the left lane, this woman is doing 50 MPH in a luxury SUV leading about 500 cars that just want to get around her. I finally manage to get in front of her, and I just take my foot off the gas. I don’t brake job, or anything, I just let my car naturally

When your commute is 50 miles a day, it’s not hard to do.

Comedians in Cars Getting Cannabis

What’s changed, I think, is that we as a society have undergone a (long overdue) sea change in how we view crimes against women. We’ve still got a long way to go, but I think (hope) we’ve passed the tipping point, and we no longer dismiss such claims so easily, nor do we so readily give the benefit of the doubt to men

That would be DLC I am interested in. If you played as young Kellogg you would basically be playing in the time period between Fallout and Fallout 2, immediately before and after the NCR was founded. That’s a time period I would be interested in revisiting.

I’m gay-adjacent, but I’m not sure if I am ready to see a thunderous caveman-bush in 1080P with Tress FX enabled.

Sounds about right. We're pretty unlikeable.

except Fallout 4 was the best game in the series in my opinion, so suck it with your negativity.

Don't cut yourself on all that edge.

90s Will Smith would love to drive that.