
I always wonder where people expect these extra clubs to sprout from. You could do pro/rel in baseball - maybe - if it was somehow divorced from the farm system concept. There are enough longstanding minor league baseball clubs in enough decent-sized places that the likes of the Nashville Sounds or Sacramento River

Pretty fucking rich coming from the same Gawker (or, zombie Gawker) empire that is as responsible as any outlet on the internet for the spread of pop culture activism.

A general question about the terms redface and blackface:

Your last paragraph is the most convincing bit of this exchange, and I’m pretty much willing to cede the broader argument on it. But one last bit:

Again, we have club soccer for that. Those teams are, generally speaking, much, much better than national teams.

To be fair I don’t think they’re exactly siding with the author.

This is so stupid. Long-term (and frankly probably not even that long-term) this will depress the market in some of the most bountiful talent pools. Athletes in the Dominican Republic, in Venezuela, in Panama, Puerto Rico, etc. - they certainly won’t stop playing baseball altogether, but it will disincentivize at

It has to do with building a nationally representative team. A team of Americans to play against other countries as the United States of America. That is the point of international soccer.

I wouldn’t despair so much. The future of the Democratic party is somewhere around or perhaps even to the left of Bernie Sanders, and the future of the Republican party is basically Hillary Clinton. The right, such as it has existed for a long time in this country, is dead. It will become like Britain’s right, which

Serious question: I agree, if you’re born to American parents or otherwise able to secure citizenship and a passport, you’re American, no less than anybody else. That’s a civic definition, though.

The problem they didn’t bother to mention is the union would have to agree to it.

No you see the current leftist position on literally every American foreign engagement (bonus points if initiated by Democrats) is that we are bad and we made everything worse and in fact we practically started it, interjecting violence where there was none into stable, passive societies like late-stage-Qaddafi Libya.