The blind item can’t be her because Johnny had to have known Amber was bisexual. She’s been publicly open about it for as long as I’ve known about her as an actress (several years).
The blind item can’t be her because Johnny had to have known Amber was bisexual. She’s been publicly open about it for as long as I’ve known about her as an actress (several years).
your honor, he thinks the jack sparrow accent is arousing.
Eh, probably not for a 15 month marriage. I don’t practice in California, but in my state even if there is a substantial difference income between the parties, it doesn’t mean the party with more money has to pay a significant amount when the marriage was very short. She couldn’t have had time to become accustomed to…
Your honor, he wants to finger me with all his rings on.
Your honor, my husband is being owned by a dickensian Australian politician.
You say she acts but I DO NOT BELIEVE IT.
is skeeviness grounds for divorce? cokebloat? guyliner?
As a divorce lawyer, my eye is twitching at the idea of Johnny fucking Depp not having a prenup.
Even at his drunkest, Captain Jack would have gotten a damn prenup. The man was always one step ahead.
I’m sorry his mom died, but wtf was he thinking not to sign a prenup? Dude you were having a mid life/pirate crisis marriage to a pretty young thing, and you didn’t think for just a second that a prenup might me a good call? Bad call, captain jack.
Well that sucks for Depp, but I have good news! Rachel, I am officially in your husband’s summer film class!
you know what was worse than the dog apology video? THE RUM DIARIES.
I love how she won’t believe it because she’s sure he’s got better taste in RAPE VICTIMS. My God.
I, if there were any doubt in anyone’s mind as to whether he was capable of this/did it, this interview should lay that to rest. He is basically spelling out his rationale in victim selection for the whole world to see. I’m sure his only regret is that the he “chose wrong” with Liggons; if only her drug…
i have to go here since no one else. he manifests anti-black venom held by many other minority groups. which is why i hold up my “kumbaya, we’re all in this together” shit until they prove allies. i’ve had some nasty remarks and looks from other folk who are themselves the recipient of white-on-minority bigotry.…
It sickens me that Jezebel would run such a slanted article.
This is not a woman that’s, you know, a soccer mom or someone that’s credible in society.”
Yes, Holtzclaw. So many cops are convicted of violent crimes against the public to avoid their towns becoming “Ferguson”. Just ask Tamir Rice’s family. Or Eric Garner’s family. Or most of the other families of victims of police violence.