The free handbags can absolutely pay the bills, depending on your expenses and what you're getting free. There's few things easier to resell on eBay than a designer bag, and the practice is not uncommon.
The free handbags can absolutely pay the bills, depending on your expenses and what you're getting free. There's few things easier to resell on eBay than a designer bag, and the practice is not uncommon.
It's funny, I always feel so much safer in the truck lanes when the turnpike divides. All the weaving-at-95mph car assholes always seem to stay in the cars-only lanes.
My family left Manhattan fifteen years ago because of the rent hikes and cost of living. It's only become more of a mall for the wealthy, and their hangers-on, since then. We thought Giuliani was the worst possible mayor the city could have had, and the Bloomberg came in and proved us all wrong.
Oh definitely. In terms of local response, I definitely think business owners and rich vacation property owners have a vested interest in presenting the Hamptons as exclusive and only worthy of a certain caliber of people. Of course they're going to say they don't want reality show people there; it helps prop up their…
Oh my God the green paint...the
The 312 million Americans who don't thank them for their bravery.
These shows are basically miniature Olympic host city bids. There's a lot of talk about economic development and media exposure, but it's mostly just a costly nuisance.
Just how valuable do you think the Kardashians' "extra PR" is to someone who already has a storefront in Southampton? I think you may be overestimating the trickle-down economics of this show.
The problem with your argument is that you're only thinking of the particular parties you care about, and how they might benefit. But is your approval of a right to be forgotten universal? Initial news reports said that the first claims against Google after the ruling included a pedophile and a politician eager to…
Policing their emotions and choices isn't your duty. Stand down.
See, you say that, but commenters on another Gawker property (I'll let you guess which one) thought the cake kiss was unseemly (think of the mess!) One suspected it was a covert act of domestic violence.
This is beautiful. It's so rare when an outrage comment comes in that sounds so much like a bad parody of outrage comments that you can't tell which it is! Well done!
MONSTER. The tile in there is historic!
I hate to say it, but there are definite advantages to bland corporate store environments. Personality and expertise are not always good things.
I know, this is so confusing. I'd list Nordstrom ("Nordies"?!) as the least threatening sales environment as a customer I've ever experienced.
What part of "please do not sit here" do you not understand?
Also, if you're going into the interaction viewing them as "shop boys and girls," you're doing it wrong. No one is responsible for bolstering your delicate ego, especially when you're an asshole.