
Ruff Ruff Ref is on the case!

What? Nooo.... Take us with, too!

Is there a name for the little decorative things that cover up the hair buns?

Depending on your router brand, you may be able to back up your settings so that if a factory reset is needed, you can get back up and running quickly.

Note that Asus has done some janky stuff to their recent firmware releases which make it very difficult to reflash those cheap T-Mobile branded routers into an RT-AC68U. 

Note that Asus has done some janky stuff to their recent firmware releases which make it very difficult to reflash

I’m confused. Did this story have a happy ending?

“Yinnaopoulos”? You’re just making up words here. 

Sure, but this is something that you write a letter to your local alderman to complain about, not call 911.

I read this as “immigrant does a serious crime in your anus”. I don’t think I’d need ICE for that, but maybe a bit of actual ice instead.

I’ve never really understood how the hidden ball trick ever works. Does absolutely nobody from the other team, players or coaches, notice that the ball was never actually thrown back to the pitcher?

As someone who doesn’t even use a case for my phone, I’m getting a kick out of these replies...

I got a DVD of Pulp Fiction. I contacted Amazon about it, and the guy I spoke with essentially said that the effort and cost to return it would be more than what the disc was worth, so “enjoy the movie!”

Just don’t say it was a cakewalk. That’s racist, too.

Wait... How were they on each other’s shoulders?

It’s fairly accurate, but the high rate he’s touting is from the recession when every state, red or blue, had high unemployment rates.

We can’t even convince ourselves to get rid of pennies. There’s zero chance that Bitcoin reaches anywhere close to a critical mass of acceptance.

In before “If you’re getting a $1000 refund, your withholding is set wrong and you’re giving the government an interest-free loan!”

In before “If you’re getting a $1000 refund, your withholding is set wrong and you’re giving the government an

Note to self: Next year when I watch the game, find the Australian radio broadcast to stream for the audio.

Every time I see the name Tennys Sandgren, I keep thinking I’m about to see Game of Thrones spoilers.

I was releasing toxic fumes into the church puff by puff.