
What’s going to happen if they do win it all, then go back to sucking? The “wait ‘till next year” line no longer applies, so will all the “long suffering” fans still stick with them with a championship now under their belts?

Success with the capsule, *and* the booster unexpectedly survived. That couldn’t have gone much better.

So reading the replies here, I’m getting a “yes” that the camera and Move controllers are the same ones that I already own and not a special “VR” version?

As Dan Patrick used to say on Sportscenter, “He’s listed as day to day, but, then again, aren’t we all?”

When they do the high dive in the Olympics, that platform is three stories up, so this isn’t too much worse. As long as you go feet first and tuck right when you hit the water, you could jump into a ten foot deep pool and be fine.

Celebrating is one thing, throwing the ball into the stands is another.

Can I download/install watchOS 3 via this method?

paying Chinese kids pennies a day to build their shit

In college, once you go down with the ball, even if you're untouched, the play is over.

“Les Miles is on Team Instinct”

Except that (coincidentally?) it was yesterday’s comic...

I’m amazed that all those people in the same place can get good enough cell coverage to be able to play at the same time.

...or even Cotaku...

The race was near the end of the day, so I assume that once [YOUR COUNTRY’S TOP STAR] was finished racing, people started to filter out.

Darn these question and answer sessions with all these annoying questions and answers...

Well, “borrowed” anyway. Whoever saw it at the Scottish club game asked permission if they could use it for Iceland’s games.

Yep, this is mine as well.