Kr Tong

Andrew, you’re wrong. The controversy WAS about whether you were allowed to split lanes since lane splitting wasn’t legal, but rather “not illegal.” And in instances where a motorcyclist and a car collide and determining “who’s lane is it” will decide who’s at fault for an accident, the lane splitting motorcyclist

How can being hesitant and nervous make you a more dangerous driver? I hate to tell you this but it’s the overconfident drivers that kill people. The road is a metaphor for life and a constant reminder that your blind spots are bigger than you think they are. Drivers should know what they don’t know, and If you know

It’s definitely slower to slide the bike. Looks awesome tho, and at the end of the day that’s what matters.

Cleanup I’m sure would be doable if we used chalk, but memorization is part of the game.

It's not easy at first but it's doable. Memorization is part of it.

There's six courses published every year that you can set up, record and compete globally with guys in the Netherlands and Japan.

There’s a course you can set up on your own, videotape, and compete with gymkhanaers globally. Check out the m gymkhana Facebook page for info and details.

There’s videos on the m-gymkhana Facebook page.

show me your bicycle racing credentials or shhh.

Please stop talking.

Boycott Stephen Curry because he was born with a silver basketball in his crib? You can’t stop the tide dude. This is how every sport is going. Every industry for that matter is having to start its future employees training younger and younger. You can at least recognize that you can’t just give ANY baby a motorcycle

In most cases, it’s often the revamped airbox that is the cause of the 10-20 hp jumps. Respect those damn airboxes. It also looks DAMN good in pic 5.

I wish there was more crossover between UFC fans and MotoGP fans, because UFC fans at least know the difference between the business and the sport, and this made up drama being drummed up is just business. The only competition people should be concerned with is who will win the race; screw this media popularity

What makes you say that? Most of the flame fanning is from the media putting words in his mouth and stirring up hype.

How do you think spanish drug lords launder their money?

Yeh. Like that. Just like that.

Of course it’s not a big deal to you the day after you slept on it. Doesn’t surprise me at all. Just pointing out your way of handling conflict, to make something a big deal, leave a conversation about a TV show unapologetically mad, and the characters on TV you’re defending, have something in common. The way Effie

I love that you got so mad at your filmmaker husband for not agrring with you that you stormed out without reaching an agreement. No wonder you like Effie. She too SUCKS at rapport and communication. Effie tears people around her down. Her personality is toxic to a creative endeavor like filmmaking. And they way she

Why are you a fan of Effie Brown? Seriously. Do you not see her inability to build rapport? Her way of belittling everyone around her? Making everything into a fight she has to win? Her political correctness for the sake of political correctness? Her disengenuous pretentious descriptions of herself and the values she