Kaitlyn Rose Tierney

Ooh, let me put on my “science pedant” hat for a moment. It’s actually more likely she’ll have another girl, statistically speaking. There’s a slight bias for second children to be the same gender as first-borns.

I did a trip almost identical to this one, but we lucked out and were on a solo tour because no one else happened to book at the same time. Reading this and realizing how bad it COULD have been made my blood run cold. You’re a goddamn saint for not murdering each of them in their sleep, but I wish you’d at least have

I did this last month, moving from the US to UK. I'm not the first person to have done it, nor will I be the last, but GODDAMN IT that was a lot of work and I'm still behind on things as a result. If you've got specific questions I can answer I'm happy to help, or are you looking more for a play-by-play guide? Either

I'm 100% convinced that Business Insider is just trolling you at this point, probably in retribution for calling them out in the last Shade Court. Why else would they have ramped up their incorrect use of "shade" like, 300%? It can't be a coincidence. This is some pretty good trolling, actually, because they're

OMG I could write an entire article just about psueodpenises. Wait... can I? JIA!

100% agreed but I guess "20+ weird tricks" doesn't have the same ring to it.

Dibs on "I'm Comfortable Hating Myself, But Thanks Anyway" because the idea of anyone penning another #lovingyourself how-to is making me puke a little. Self-hate is pretty healthy imo.

So far, this is one of the least snowy winters in all of Chicago's history. There is like, approximately one or two inches of snow on the ground. We're so far off from an actual dibs-required scenario that the only possible explanation here is that the person vandalizing that nurse's car is a lazy scuzzbucket

YES! Cuttlefish are amazing. There are so many examples of similar behaviors that I couldn't fit into this article, so stay tuned for a follow-up post about more crazy sperm-handling shenanigans like that.

While it's awesome that you guys linked to the full study (such good science reporting!), would you mind revising to include both authors' names? Nina Kraus spoke to the press and runs the lab, but Adam Tierney is the first author on the paper (He is my husband, so obviously I have a vested interest in seeing him get