
Why would we want a BotW style Pokémon, regardless? What I want is a XC2 style one, and then have Jason play and review it.

Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.

Go snag one in Pittsburgh and see how it works lol.

I do’t even want to talk about my ride when I worked for CompuServel....

I remember back in the day when you could steal a whole stack of AOL bikes just to whip at your friends or toss in the microwave.

You and others who take them are enormous self entitled dickheads. You are the people giving silicon valley a bad name.

Nobody wants Yahoo bikes.

This is going to be a weird yogurt commericial.

Yeah, I don’t get this at all. They can’t use Deathstroke anymore, but WB is fine with different Flashes?

Cocaine is a helluva drug.

A movie where Carol travels around on a motorcycle murdering serial killers would be glorious.

Run away, Michael! That woman will straight murder you.

A prequel to the Grinch?

Oh no people are enjoying things on the internet that aren’t precisely what you can permit! And seriously? Last funny SW movie was... the last SW movie. They’re all funny, prequels excepted because they’re mostly just miserable and goofy in alternating portions. Having funny moments doesn’t mean it isn’t a serious

Dafuq Wuzzat is probably related to this guy.

Now the biggest question of all: What species would Dafuq Wuzzat be and what would they play? 

Remember when the Internet was evolving in the 90s and everyone said you should never give a website your real information let alone your real payment information? I don’t think Bezos is worth $100 billion because we are giving Amazon fake addresses and credit cards every time we make a purchase.

I really hope her tenure is a Golden Age for DW, if for no other reason than it’ll be a giant “fuck you” to DW-watching misogynists. And I say that as someone who’s majorly sad Capaldi is leaving.

If you sink 400$ into a game like this you shouldn’t demand a refund, you should seek out help.