Why would we want a BotW style Pokémon, regardless? What I want is a XC2 style one, and then have Jason play and review it.
Why would we want a BotW style Pokémon, regardless? What I want is a XC2 style one, and then have Jason play and review it.
Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.
Let me stop you right there. You want a JRPG nut? I’M a JRPG nut. I’m even willing to throw my “JRPG credentials” in comparison to Jason’s because it’s been my bread and butter for 30 years.
Mentioned earlier, it’s more like saying “I like sports, but don’t like Football, or I like FPS titles but don’t like Metroid Prime.”
I don’t want uniformity. I don’t want a good review. I don’t want a bad review. I don’t want a person who doesn’t like the subject matter to be reviewing. You were an outlier. People liked the game pretty much. To have an outlier as the (literally) only person on the site doing the review, it’s just stupid. Again,…
Yeah that kind of turned it into a “do not read” for me. I don’t think that the review had to be done by a fan perse. But maybe by someone who is like apathetic to the game?
“I didn’t love the first Xenoblade Chronicles...”
Jason. You work a a company. I assume there are more than one person there. You don’t like the game or the series. So much so you skipped one of the prior TWO games. WTF would you be chosen to review it?
I don’t normally think doing something like this is relevant, but I’ll do it here just to weigh in as someone who knows:
I have an undergraduate degree in Music Theory and Composition, and Masters degree in Jazz (emphasis in composition and arranging) and that statement is precisely what you think it is: nonsense.
Here’s a little nugget of what I thought was useless information but now is perfectly fitting for this. Handel took 2 weeks to compose his entire messiah. But Skyrim Brian Wilson up here somehow needs 4 years and counting, hell if he was smart he would have been like “I used to be a composer that had a successfully…
“developing new technology in order to create a symphony”
And this is why PC gamers can’t have nice things....
If you sink 400$ into a game like this you shouldn’t demand a refund, you should seek out help.
I agree in concept, but it absolutely depends on the world design of the game. The main problem with minimaps, as I see it, is not so much the visual distraction as it is the fact that the assumption of their presence and use changes the way developers design their game worlds. The problem with playing Assassin’s…
Breath of the Wild
Team Yiga is blasting off again!
I’m just imagining the look on their faces when they were asked to solve this ‘big mystery’....
Since I value losing myself in a game and trying to stay immersed in the world, I feel like all these currencies and “daily challenges” and loot boxes and legal gambling for digital goods would just keep pulling me out of feeling like a badass wraith overlord. Like...does Talion just toss gold into a black bubbling…
None of this fixes the main problem: That there are micro-transactions in a full-price game in the first place. That is not acceptable, no matter how ‘skippable’ it is.
Perhaps they should market the service as NoBLD, considering who hasn’t gotten cut putting their PC together?