Jason David Holmes

At least you tried.

Oh OK. Thanks man!

The Wizard will always be one of my favorite movies.

I always wondered why the eye at the end opened again, the witches were clearly dusted. Hmmm …

What does Katy Perry have to do with this discussion? I know her song I Kissed A Girl, but since I'm gay I like the version I Kissed A Boy.

Who can determine if someone is really sexually mature and knows what they enjoy? I went from not even knowing about sex at 12 to watching straight porn with a guy and masturbating with him and then he was my first boyfriend and i've been gay ever since. I'm not that much different mentally now at 38 versus 12 save

One of my biggest problems with the Xanth series started about 10 or so books ago as of Board Stiff, I just read the newest 4 books. It's that being gay in Xanth doesn't exist, if a gay guy from Mundania enters Xanth there are punny straightjackets to turn them straight … yeah. That really bothered me.