Krombopulous Michael

Quite literally, in Roy Moore’s case.

Indeed I did. Still, I can think of about 20 news personalities more worthy of being called out here than Megyn Kelly.

You’re gonna ban Megyn Kelly, but not Sean Hannity or Fox News?

Okay... so you’d like to lock up these noble anarchists in your tiny home, when they’d probably be happier roaming the woods and killing things?

Do you know why you feel that way?

It was definitely a factor in our break-up. That and a phalanx of other anti-logic positions she held, from anti-vaxxer stuff to belief in chemtrails and an intense interest in astrology. You really have to watch out when you have great romantic chemistry with a person, because sometimes it can blind you to serious

That is because the police spend far, far too much of the budgets they do have busting people for petty drug offenses and a million other victimless crimes. There are police departments who really are impoverished, sure. But most of them just have a problem with resource allocation—which is not exactly all their

That’s totally fair, and I won’t ask you or any other woman to help me work through this stuff. I can tell you that I’ve never expressed these thoughts out loud—only online, because I know the women in my life don’t need to hear that shit. You’re right that I should probably have just written this in my journal! I was

Sure, that makes sense—but it does feel like we’re splitting hairs here. What you’re describing are just police by another name, and there will still be a need for prisons and some kind of court system or criminal justice apparatus to deal with people who hurt other people. It doesn’t have to look much like the

This reminds me of conversations I used to have with an ex-girlfriend who was a staunch anarchist. She would say, “We need to abolish the government so that people can be free.” I would ask her how she expected that everything would not just devolve into chaos and continuous mano-a-mano violence, and her answer was

[citation needed]

The thing is, I’m not bitching. I agree 100% with everything you just said and that’s what I try to do.

How do you figure that? I’m not complaining, I’m not bitter, I understand the reasons why “male feminists” aren’t trusted and I know my personal history with this doesn’t matter at all to women in the movement who just want to feel safe. I do my level best not to mistreat anyone, and I speak up when I see other men

So here’s a funny thing: my mom was a fairly prominent feminist in this area while I was growing up. She taught classes on feminism at a few local colleges, and from a very young age she had me out with her on picket lines and at activist meetups. I grew up reading books from her library, which was pretty extensive

I mean, yeah. If it wasn’t clear from my original post, I am not at all optimistic that this will ever happen.

Why is it that countries like Canada who bear arms don’t have the senseless violence we have in this country?

The problem, as I’ve come to see it, is that we’re never going to be able to substantially reduce the number of guns in this country unless and until we can repeal the second amendment. It should never have been in the Constitution in the first place, and I have no doubt that if you could go back in time and show the

Exactly. If you file your taxes (for instance) via mail, they will never mark you as late if the letter is postmarked before the deadline. No government agency does things any different, and in this case it’s extremely obvious that USCIS has a mandate—like the rest of the DHS—to get rid of as many immigrants as

You can believe that colonialism devastated Zimbabwe and led directly to many of the serious problems it faces today, and also believe that Robert Mugabe is a horrible, fantastically corrupt dictator who has spent decades exploiting his people and pillaging their country for his own gain. These two things are not

They totally are! And I do not give a fuck. Read my comment again. See the bit about “eminent domain”?