
Very good written. Nice work Kenneth. Hope you don't mind i try that out on Exces ;-)

Please turn off the auto-start on this Ad!

Auto-start in Advertisement Videos is the most annoying thing Gizmodo ever came up with.

Yes, I did know for a while.

@das7002: Never worked with that. But I guess I would hate it too after a while.

@das7002: Yeah, but we also hate OS X, Linux, VMS, Solaris, AIX, etc. Probably it's because we work in IT.

110'000£ = 171'000$

"Update: Looks like the price of the iPad version jumped to $2.99 this afternoon."

Sounds a bit like iWindows, doesn't it?

@andy78: Ah cheers... I already thought that. So more or less a buzzword to sell new radios.

@Arken: Sorry, but what is HD radio? Some buzzword to get people buying new radios?

Your TiVo hate is blatant, shameless, and without merit.

we're much happier when we decide regardless of the outcome.

"Even Putin Looks Like Hunter S. Thompson With 3D Glasses"

@Trebuchet: I'm all about kicking some little kids ass, but I think I would have punched the old twat too.

@Technodragon: Hahaha. Thanks for checking. Just wanted to log in to Amazon. Ah well, you'll find me at the record store.