
In a weird coincidence I was actually really excited to sit on the couch and watch Saturday morning cartoons with my son this morning (something we don't normally do.) I flipped through the channels and the only cartoon I could find was Thomas on PBS. This explains it.

And I can only imagine how much more difficult it would be if your abuser was famous, very wealthy, and adored by millions.

There's no way in hell that was the first time he hit her. Also no way it was the last.

From now on I'm going to start referring to anti-vaxxers as "baby killers." Maybe the CDC should take a similar approach.

Are these the shrimp that can punch as fast as a .22 bullet and break aquarium glass? (I spend a lot of time watching youtube videos of strange sea creatures with my son.)

Just to chime in here- I would posit that spending time in the presumably sparsely populated and rural area where your family's deer lease is would give one a pretty narrow view of a state with a population of 30 million people. "I blame the lack of interaction with people who have different ideas and goals" tells me

Oh fuck that. Please tell me you won both suits.

Bingo. And the chances this was the first and last time he hit her are slim to none.

Reclining the seat is crucial when you're pregnant.

Is Heaven still around?