Just one of the guys

The Wraith is an excellent choice. I hope they are able to explain what happens in the movie, because I had no idea what was going on for 90% of that film.

The Money Pit and Hello Again were two of my favourite movies as a child. If Shelley Long was in a movie, I was watching it.

That's exactly why I tuned in. This woman takes no responsibility for anything. When she "prayed" that the courts would go easy on her and drop her community service hours, my jaw dropped. She honestly believes that she's above community service after she's driven drunk repeatedly and stolen thousands of dollars worth

Yeah he really summed up why this song is so terrible. I really would love to hate this song but when your first time getting felt up at a junior high dance is to this song, well…it's impossible to hate. Might I add that I was wearing a red shirt? Memories…

They're both beards!

Not sure if you're aware of this, but everyone handles a break up in their own way. I don't see her excited about being single and dating. I see her trying to sort things out. Sometimes a one night stand can actually help let go. That certainly does not make you selfish. It makes you human.

Yes, but is Julia prepared to deal with his crippling addiction to V-necks?

Well, he certainly has a type. Perhaps a notice should go out to all hollywood starlets with eating disorders and fried blonde hair.

It most certainly was. That character was also based on this shitty pick-up artist that Neil Strauss wrote about in The Game. It was chapter after chapter of how to deliver the perfect insult wrapped in a compliment. Grayson was that guy and I loved it!

I'm starting to wonder if Julia even knows how to discipline her children. Who let's their child act like that?!

I pity the fool who hasn't seen this fabulous movie!

It was all downhill after that interview.

My greatest accomplishment was being interviewed for the local paper when my balloon traveled the furthest. All the way to North Dakota! I led a very dull life.

It's on Yahoo Screen and they also have the Bachelor Pad season as well. I didn't think they could top the 1st season but somehow they did. It was a mini Party Down reunion and it was glorious.

I hate to break it to you but low in carbs does not mean it's healthy.

Yeah, why have they not hired another respite worker for Max? This show
is so fucking stupid when it comes to him. Instead of being obnoxious
parents, just find an aide who can work with him once a week.

Here on Gilligan's Staaaar. PLANET!

The end of that theme song gets stuck in my head more times than I care to mention. I think it was only on for one season but I watched every episode. I was a very strange child.

While watching this extremely boring episode, I began to wonder if there is ANY kind of plot this season. What the hell happened this season? Nothing! God I miss the good old days with the Nazi doctors, aliens, and serial killers.

I blame our border. Nobody wants to wait 3 hours just to come to this city!