kroger cafeteria lol

And Bioware does this better because they make you deposit gift items to increase the “love stat” of your target love interest? Laugh out loud

I never played a witcher game so I dont give a fuck about that game or its problems but I played DA: O and I hated the writing

“Lady Cuck”

Nah, thats a lot of sociological feel good shit. A guy I knew was Pakistani and the discussion of “hijra” came up in our sociology lecture group. The professor said the same shit you did (so spiritual and respected) and he corrected her thag third gender people are widely disliked and mistreated in Pakistan, same as

Jesus Christ, only 13 years old. She had ber whole entire life ahead of her.

Laugh out loud, liberals feasting on one another, desperately trying to prove to their peer citcles who in fact is the most liberal of all. Delicious

So I booted up the ole PC and ppayed a few rounds in CS GO and TF2.

Its the truth, who gives a shit about of bunch of fat fucks on reddit arguing over some [rioutous laughter] e-”sports” drama besides other fat fucks with no lives?


Why were you in thailand then you sick fuck? Are you some kind of sex slaver?

Are you a white guy

Laugh out loud, thats a pic of some dude fighting in a rec center. How much money did you raise? Like 15 dollars?

I dont get all the hate against mitt romney

“I’ve fought in charity exhibitions”

Hey whats wrong with WASPs? i’m one! Got my khaki shorts, sports coat, and dockers in all

No evidence of the patriarchy? What I am about to say to you may be surprising mate but bear with me alright? I am a white, hetereosexual, male who is a practicing and fairly devour christian who is NOT (let me repeat that just in case) NOT liberal

You are not a practicing legal professional and you have said yourself you are unaware of the details in this case and her role and the extent to her involvement. Best to not jump to conclusions from conjecture. she deserves to be pubished, thats how laws and rules work.

Prison life is unimaginably hellish. I feel bad for her