Here’s what I want, and I think would be a very reasonable compromise for America...
Here’s what I want, and I think would be a very reasonable compromise for America...
The schadenfreude on St. Louis sports radio / twitter is delicious.
I’m an ex-Rams fan from St. Louis. I now want the Rams and the league to fail in every conceivable fashion known to man. I want their stadium to cave in, their entire offensive team caught and suspended because of some sex-boat to the extreme scandal, and Goodell and Kroenke to get sued by the SEC and force the team…
Good job on not using the trite “Stadium McStadiaface” joke. Univision is building a lot of restraint into your posts, which is good.
There are many bad owners. But only one owner fucked over their fans so bad that he deserves the title of “shit gargling splooge rage”. Congrats, Kroenke.
I hope they win?
This better not change into that 500 Days of Kristen bullshit...
The Fratellis (Trigger Warning for St. Louis Blues fans)
Fred Armisen if Portlandia was about Rich Waspy Assholes.