Krod Mandoon

Radimak targeted at least 10 people — who also happened to be mostly women — in a series of road rage attacks...” Targeting someone and Roadraging are two different things. Your trying to make this a sexist thing.

yep, that guy clearly cares about not breaking the law

race race race, everything is about race, unless it’s a non-white person who did something wrong, than it’s “what’s race got to do with it? You must be racist!” Hypocrites...

lol, victim complex much?

libertarian-ing? Listen here leftist, we libertarians despise the left and the right, the conservatives and the liberals. Quit besmirching our good, large government hating, actual freedom loving party by comparing us with either of your USA destroying, two cheeks of the same a s s parties!

I’d say it’s the other way around. I barely notice when someone reclines in front of me, but it makes a substantial difference to my comfort when I recline my seat

lol, cry about it some more! No, I don’t care, but that does not make me a jerk. Let me lay down some info you tall people may not know about. Airline seats often have a head rest area, and for those of us in a certain height range, sitting in the seats un-reclined actually forces our heads forward slightly,

Even if that's true, still a d move considering all the crying they are doing about exclusives and microsoft right now.

Perhaps, but sony sucks wayyyyyy more as they are huge hypocrites. Exclusive games suck, but 90% games for the same price seems even worse to me, as the temptation is still there to purchase but you know you'll never have the complete game, it's a really crappy decision to deal with. 

Also a good idea to not set them up for disappointment. Growing up, I truely believed all that “land of the free” nonsense. Man, was I disappointed (and angry) when I learned how much of a lie that was.

Not charging them with anything because they went back for the kid after the police were like “Wtf?!?” (at least that’s how I read it) is like not charging someone for possessing crack because they said they were just holding it for a friend.

I calculated an approx amount of $5-7.5 worth of fuel, but yeah still way less than the fee

At first I was irritated, but then remembered that this is their first game ever, so of course they cannot accurately predict how long it would take to make. But hey, at least it’ll come out right when it’s starting to warm up outside, because who wouldn’t want to spend a bunch of time inside after being inside most

Shouldn't it say "mixed-race" since her mom is so white she looks Scandinavian or something? Christ, most summers my skin is darker than hers...

Are having = present tense,  celebrated = past tense, dipshit

How about where is the outrage when a synagogue gets shot up? Where’s the outrage when a white person is murdered by police? The Buffalo shooting is appalling, but so are many other events which nobody seems to care about, many involving white victims. Admit it, you only care when the victim(s) have the same skin

There are solutions to what some call an issue with films being “heavy on the testosterone”

My first car was practically identical to this model. She was garage kept and in excellent shape, with 98k original miles. I payed $300 for her

Revolved comment since this site shows my name instead of screen

Revolved comment since this site shows my name instead of screen