
Someone please correct me of I’m looking at this all wrong, but if you go somewhere for the expressed purpose of conducting business, that is a business trip. If you rape someone who is the a part of the business you conducting in your hotel room paid for by your employers, um yeah they need to be held liable, too.

Band name, Dead Arachnid Boner, and first album, Fossilized Erection. That is a tough choice, though.

So much this! Well, her and Ms. Dash.

I have LOVED everything I’ve read of hers. She was so truly gifted and it saddens me that sooner rather than later, I will be out of her material to read.

K, gonna be judgey here, but at her age, with small children and on divorce #2, would it kill her to slooooow her roll just a bit? You’ve been dating new dude for 9 months. Everything is all rainbow shitting unicorns at 9 months. Or is this a case of lock the billionaire down?

Swooning and drooling. Swooning and drooling.

I think it’s a money thing. She’s an aging black actress that doesn’t have the acting chops for longevity. She found a gold mine of a niche because bills still need paid and she went for it. She took a page out of Ann Coulter’s book. Though damaging, it’s actually brilliant.

Wouldn’t shock me at all.

Thank you! Maybe she should blame the war mongering members of her own damn party who are the real reason her son was there to begin with. *cough* Bush/ Cheney *cough cough*

Let’s just say for argument’s sake that she was correct in being trapped in his body. He was probably thrilled that someone was treating him like a grown man instead of like a child for a change. All the more reason for her to have exercised good judgement and not pursued any type of sexual relationship. 12 years

Hide yo kids, hide yo wives, hide yo husbands! The civilization jihad is coming! Transformers, a jihad in disguise.

Or could it be that the filmmakers in question also share the same blind spot as Matt Damon and in an effort to make sure that their films were diverse, she may have gotten combative because they, too, were not getting it? I know a director that has worked with her and sang her praises. Also, that rookie was a

Can we deport his pointy nose having ass????

I agree with you. My only argument would be the lack of pay phones now. Back then if we had to call, we could easily find one and do so. Now, not so much.

There are 20 million viewers that would disagree.

And also Stands With a Fist in Dances With Wolves.

Jeff Goldblum; still so very doable.

I think that line is starting to form to the left. From what I’ve briefly read, it’s especially helpful that your work be an asset. Like if you’re a nurse or something, they’re much happier to have you.

Before I played the video and could just see him sitting there red faced, hands behind his back, I got giddy for sweet justice and satisfaction of seeing him get what he deserved. After watching it, no giddiness to be had. The fucker got what he deserved and I hope those women can feel some sense of peace knowing they

Sexy, smart, and socially aware. Yes, please.