But they’re pro-life, I’m sure. Riiiiiiiight.
But they’re pro-life, I’m sure. Riiiiiiiight.
Apparently, it wouldn’t bother us more as actual children and people are killed by guns at ridiculous rates in this country and no one’s doing jack shit about it.
Thank you!
He’s like the Charlie Sheen of reality TV. You can’t help but root for the guy.
I have a question that I probably should know the answer to, but don’t. I get grey for pending approval, but why do some people stay in the greys?
My feelings are so hurt right now. I may need my husband to extend the foot massage I’m currently receiving by 10 minutes to soften the blow.
None of that means they have good taste, though.
The second Spiderman was, meh, but the first one was great! Though, I understand everyone is entitled to their opinion. Spiderman aside, he’s a very good actor and he should be big.
I honestly thought he was latino, too. Thanks for enlightening me. You know who probably has it bad? Tony Shaloub. He’s played everything. I’m sure people probably don’t have a clue to what he actually is, other than human.
OK, for a minute or thought it was just me.
I understand what you’re saying, but apparently that car had the stability option, which is shitty. I guess we’ll find out as this progresses.
I don’t argue that point. However, if there is a known issue with that car and Porsche chose to not fix it, and that issue also contributed to the accident, they may be liable. That car was meant to be driven at high speeds, it’s design should support that.
I read something about this car and it’s poor stability (something like that). That had it had better stabilization, which Porche was aware of, that crash may not have happened. She may have a case.
Right! Even right after housing a human being for 9 months, she looked incredibly fit. For anyone to ever say she’s not, the rest of us are all seriously doomed!
Actually, I was completely unaware that she smokes weed. That actually makes me like her more, thus I may forgive her for making the same “sultry, pouty, mouth slightly agape, would be sexy” face she always makes in her pictures.
Why Bristol feel she’s relevant and her opinion on the subject matters is laughable.
But handed over the role to Sandra Bullock. Isn’t that walking the walk and the point of this while article?
Mama always says stupid is as stupid do-es.
Bobby (or Piyush, as his mother named him,) needs some serious couch time with Dr. Phil or someone in the psychiatric field. This man has some serious self hatred issues. He doesn’t govern in what he believes is the best interest of his constituents. He governs the way he thinks the ideal white American male would. No…
More like the Special Olympics Christians. Then again, Special Olympics athletes are awesome, so back to square one.