
Smart, don't want to take a woman's word for insight into women.

Are you married? Do you have kids? Having a full time job, having kids (which for a number of women includes your husband acting like one), and being married for a long time often means YOU'RE TIRED!!!! And not in the mood to have sex every single day. For some reason this simple equation seems to escape a good number

So, is this another way of telling me that I won't get to look at the long haired, bearded Chris Hemsworth? No bueno.

It would've made my day if the little girl told the busybody that she wasn't supposed to talk to strangers.

No offense, but oh no she couldn't! Bey can sing. I'm not hating on her voice, but she still doesn't and can't hold a candle to Whitney.

Yep, Russell Crowe comes to mind.

"You have a baby... in a bar."

No, Joe the Plumber would be the confused one. And, no his right to own a gun in not the same as his right to murder since he, nor anyone else, has the right to murder. And from reading your other posts, your head is in a place of confusion. You can quit spoiling for a fight with me and take your gun toting, racist

What the actual fuck?!

Well, Joe the Plumber would say that Haskell's rights trump that girl's dead family. *eyeroll and dry heave*

Do you know his body fat percentage to make that statement? I'm thinking the answer to that is no. Looking at his physique and how muscular his body actually is (and. It is), his body fat percentage is probably much lower than you think it is. However, since neither you nor I have any actual facts or data to back that

Very few things that I read make me literally LOL, let alone snort while doing it. Thanks, I needed that!

So if the deceased were your mother, or sister, or daughter and you learned that someone violated their corpses, you would not want that person held accountable? If you've never lost a loved one, try to pit yourself in the family's shoes.

Quite frankly, as a black person, I'm not in the least bit offended. Reason being is that there are a shit load of people that look at our president and think of him as exactly that; "that nigger in the White House". You've got people in Nebraska with an old outhouse with the words the Obama Presidential Library

Thank you!!!!

Here's the thing. It's not a sequel, it's a spinoff. Movies do that all the time. The Mummy Returns and the Scorpion King, for example. Apparently, a spin off about the Huntsman had been discussed even prior to the release of the Snow White movie. Many movies are planned out like this and a deal is inked for multiple

I think it's clear that you're reaching now. Please accept that you've lost this one and stop the attempt at insulting an entire group and other sophomoric antics. Bow out gracefully while you still can.

And boom goes the dynamite! I hope you dropped the mic after typing this!

Um, you are aware where Egypt is located, right??? Are you starting to understand how some people might make the connection between the mummies and black women's bodies???

No, actually it wasn't. Trendy Manhattanites and people who actually live in the Hamptons and not just for the summer are different breeds.