i heart ed

Those are my least favorite mushrooms.

John Oliver is seated in front of a computer somewhere, a smile on his face and his body totally covered with his own jizz.

Brother is gonna be kickin’ it Mogadishu style soon.

Well played:

No, they belong to the new King “President”

You’re welcome world. Now in exchange for killing the Sauron of soccer, we get the 2022 World Cup and we get spotted 10 goals to start each game.


Man, if only they had all the voting delegates of FIFA together in one place and able to elect a new leader. That would have been a real time and money saver.


Why couldn’t George W. Bush have done this in 2004?

Bye-bye Blatter.

So he was probably well on his way to getting arrested, yes?

gif party?

Sepp Blatter resigns as President of an organization too corrupt to have voted them out when they had the chance like a day ago.

I guess John Oliver is saved the indignity of having to drink a Bud Light Lime. And liking it.


Sure, laugh now. We’ll see who’s grinning when Warner’s Nigerian prince wire transfer drops.