i heart ed

Of course it's her decision and her body to do as she wishes with, but isn't the real issue here that she was pressured to look "less Chinese?" That getting plastic surgery reinforcing a euro-centric body ideal advanced her career, rather than the mere fact that she had plastic surgery?

I thought "the man" was a general phrase people used when saying fuck you to any societal pressures.

Ummm, no. Black people don't have the patent on being oppressed by The Man. If you think that: learn your history. Chinese Exclusion act. Orientalism. Internment camps and the treatment of Japanese Americans in WWII. Vincent Chen. Open your eyes and look the fuck around you and quit playing those damn

A racist blonde chick whose name is an anagram of Aryan? You don't say.

Because she's a stupid fuck who thought her racism would be okay to display on national television?

Grillz are nice but call me when Headgearz make the scene.

Good god yes. Also, Beyonce looks like Hannibal Lecter there.

For those balking at the 20lb loss at two weeks, I suggest you delete that from the article and read it through.

Well done! Quite the accomplishment!

Now playing

Wow. Talk about timely. I'm in the process of doing exactly this. After watching the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" I decided juicing (or in my case, green smoothies) were the way to go. It's been tough, but I'm getting over those maddening first few days (where you want to slap someone for a slice of

But we wanted a young, sexy Doctor! This guy is like my dad. Ewww.

Hear, hear. That fact is the only thing that bothers me about this wedding (I would have LOVED to attend)—and it's a pretty major fucking big deal! Not caring about the environment isn't very elf-like.

As much as I want to hate this for "obnoxious rich people" reasons, it doesn't bother me all that much because as someone who doesn't really want a wedding, normal weddings kinda seem like a waste of money to me anyway.

These dick-holes deserve each other.

All I can think of is the number of seamsters/seamstresses that must have been working on this to do 364 full-on costumes in 1.5 months. It took me 3 months just to do my own ren faire outfit, and I'm 99.9% sure it didn't rise to the level of Oscar winning quality.

Once your measurement form goes to two columns, you might as well go the whole hog.

I actually find the idea of a herd of bunnies shitting all over a bunch of rich people in custom outfits kind of delightful.

I want to agree, but if I were absurdly rich I'd probably plan extravagant movie-themed parties all the time. Damn my elf-loving heart.

Nothing quite says "appropriate wedding theme" like a story where a seemingly innocuous ring is to actually to blame for all of the evil and cruelty in the world.

I feel like you could look at a picture of Sean Parker without knowing who he was and guess that his name was "Sean Parker."