*Raises hand*
*Raises hand*
And the whole “Mexico will pay for it.” How, exactly, ya gonna make ‘em do that? Pay for a wall we’ll build on our side of the Rio Grande? What, exactly, are you going to do to force US corporations to move their factories back to Michigan and Ohio? And how, exactly, are you gonna force companies to burn coal again…
“When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I realized you were a fucking lunatic, and ran for my life in the opposite direction.”
Seriously I want to slap those rural white voters and yell at them that no, just because Trump is president doesn’t mean an unskilled high school dropout will magically get a $25 per hour factory job in the middle of cow pastures and soybean fields. Yes your benefits and food stamps will get cut some more like what…
I work with people who talk about term limits like they’d be a good thing. And my response is always “if no one doing the job has been there for more than 4 years, no one is going to know what they’re doing. Instead of 30 year congressmen, you’ll have a majority leader’s chief of staff or a party boss who hangs…
Well, hey. Trump may have a blank check to destroy this county for everyone who isn’t wealthy, white and male, but we can all take comfort in the fact that Mitch McConnell will push back against congressional term limits. He’s truly the hero we deserve.
The most awesome thing about this is how much damage it will do to the people who actually voted for this person.
I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe this is happening. That loop has been playing in my head all day.
Last night, I was walking home while sobbing from my friends’ election party-turned-funeral-for-America, and this guy was walking in the opposite direction, crying, and we just stopped and talked for a minute and then hugged (not in a creepy way at all).
Dream of californisession....
I wonder how many of these protestors didn’t vote for Hillary because they thought she had it in the bag.
People trying to make themselves feel better, to try to absolve themselves from the mistake. I gotta be honest, all of this hurts.
My coworker’s daughter is out protesting in Seattle. The girl voted for Stein. She should be home hanging her head in shame.
It’s just white people trying to make themselves feel better. If there’s one thing we’re good at, it’s fucking complaining without doing the work.
I’m sorry but where the fuck were all these people YESTERDAY
Great. Thanks for all the millennial enthusiasm after the buzzer. I’ll think about how great these protests were after Roe v. Wade is overturned and I lose the right to healthcare with my pre-existing condition.
While I know there were some protests over Trump during the past year and a half, I can’t wonder why there weren’t more, and on this scale, and wonder how many of these protesters actually voted in the Reckoning yesterday.
I voted for Hillary.
I was holding it together pretty well, and then my five year old daughter woke up and excitingly asked me if a girl was going to be president. And I had to tell her no.
I never thought election results could make me cry and feel like I’m at a funeral. That’s how I feel right now, as if someone dear to me has died.