But oh man, having the time and money to spend three hours at the gym everyday with a personal trainer?
Obviously if the train is coming you won’t have time, but if you are ever pushed or fall in while conscious, run as fast as you can to the far end of the platform. Gives the conductor more time to slow down and there’s a ladder you can actually climb up.
Maybe not a shitty person but one who has awfully detailed first thoughts.
Jesus, this, next to terrorism, is my biggest fear in NYC. I always stand far back from the yellow line when the train is coming in and try to stand near a pillar (because I think that I could grab onto it. I probably couldn’t. But. You know).
“Would I really be able to bring myself to vote for Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz?”
As a lifelong Dem, I’ve been trying to imagine what it would be like if some nutbar had the Democratic nomination. Would I really be able to bring myself to vote for Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz? Navarro seems like a smart, principled lady, and though I imagine she and I would disagree on a lot of policy, I am giving her…
Exactly. While I’m glad she voted for Hillary, she acts like Trump is an aberration of the party and not the standard bearer.
I’m glad she took a stand against Trump, the lone racist/sexist of the Republican party. Have to let them know that this will not be tolerated .
All bark and no bite!
“deliver justice at the ballot box”
I’ve always theorized that none of the decorating on those shows is organic and instead uses preferred HGTV vendors products which is why those houses all look the same and boring
Listen, we don’t need science anymore. We have the Internet.
It’s kind of like the well-intentioned but stupid people who think that unpasteurized milk is a gift of the health gods and everybody should drink it at every opportunity. There was recently a case in our area of a woman who served it to a school sports team, and half the kids got sick from it. Look, big dairy is a…
She was offered a plea bargain that did not include jail time. It seems that she’s a super-good decision maker.
Oh my god I love that aspect of Tiny House Hunters..’It’s just so small’... YES IT IS TOO SMALL THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT a family of four in a shoebox is probably a bad idea. It’s wonderful
I didn’t know it was fake in this specific way but it suddenly makes so much sense that people seldom choose the best house. I thought everyone on the show just had severely misguided priorities.
This is fairly old news and has been discussed in length on this website before. With links and interviews. I remember because apparently I’m one of the few who think the Chipper and Joanna have horrid taste. Their design aesthetic is so formulaic it seems bizarre. They aren’t decorators they only do one look.
Also to mutter: “how can those assholes afford a million dollar vacation home?” to myself. Only once, when the buyers were both orthopedic surgeons was I mollified.
I thought this was common knowledge. All the house hunting/home renovation shows are “faked” in a similar way. Personally it doesn’t make a difference to me, I watch these shows for the entertainment value of judging other people’s taste (and learning about the real estate market in random foreign cities on HH…