
You...don’t understand contracts. I’m sorry but I’m not going to be the one to educate you. People say it involves “the state” because the state you live in determines your rights under a marriage contract. It has nothing to do with the person that watches you say your oath.

Stay baffled then girl. You're determined to think the only true feminist is a single, child-less woman and that's hilarious.

Marriage is a legal contract between the couple and the state. If I chose to get pregnant by my dude I have a lot more to lose than he does right? There’s a physical toll on my body, time off of work, societal expectations (I’m sure you’re well aware of them but basically fathers are viewed as better, more desirable

I actually think marriage is SUPER feminist, especially if a woman plans to have children. But ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ carry on.

Vanessa did not deface a rock at coachella, she defaced a rock in Sedona, Arizona. Coachella is held in the coachella valley in California.

THAT’S shade.

I'm so sorry. I have endometriosis so I know how it's a struggle. I hope you are able to be a parent someday, in whatever form that may be.

Right? Like does Kendra think calling Holly “nasty” for having sex with Hef doesn’t imply that she was nasty when she had sex with him too? Or are we supposed to believe that Kendra and any other “girlfriends” just stood around and watched, Rosemary’s baby style? Which would honestly be more bizarre to me.

But it's not even hand holding. I'm 30 and I'm terrified of losing my parents! I think it's unfair to put that stress on a child who will KNOW his parents are much, much, older than other parents. Just because adults don't need their parents for basic survival doesn't make losing a parent easy.

This is so selfish. That poor child. I don't think it's something that can or even should be legislated against...because I feel like most people would not chose to do this anyways...but ugh. I just can't get over how selfish it is.

Good luck to you dude! People on here get reeeeeeeal defensive if you say big age differences are weird. Never mind that talking about how lame Dicaprio and Depp are is practically the site’s designated pastime.

YOU MUST BE PSYCHIC! I am definitely judging Kristin Stewart for comparing her affair to child rape and incest because I old, unattractive, married, with children. That’s it! You nailed it! The only people that speak out against child rape and incest are ugly old hags. It’s so hard for me, being as I’m soooo old and

Yes you’re the one with issues. Go to counseling instead of just rambling incoherently in circles. Good luck being the side-piece, even if you are “younger and more attractive” it usually doesn't work out well for you.

“Younger, more attractive woman" Hahahaha oh man you ARE a side-chick. Lord help you.

What are you even babbling about? Did Rupert Sanders work with Woody Allen? Did he compare Allen raping his daughter to an affair he had with Stewart?

Hahahaha oh dude just give it up already. Me saying “a rectangle is not a square” does not mean that a square is not a rectangle. If you don’t understand that, maybe go back to elementary school?

I didn’t call you male, I called you “dude” that's gender neutral. I'm not sure what your gender would have to do with you misunderstanding the difference between promiscuity and ethics though.

Hahahaha! Okay dude, ethics only refers to promiscuity.

Cher is talking about See’s candy. A store that typically employs older women. The store she visited had a male manager that had worked there for less time than his female employees.

How is that slut shaming? I think it's ethics shaming. But also they brought it up because she's the one making an affair equivalent to child rape/incest. Which, no.