
So the walking, talking neoliberal corpse that is Joe Biden isn’t going to do anything too seriously to address important systemic issues like police brutality against black folks, POC, and even poor whites? I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you. This is my shocked face. :|

One of the assumed reasons CDPR went so public with those promises last year was to assure staff that the studio was a more “humane” place to work compared to other developers. To make that pledge then break it is...yeah.

In grim storylines like this, talk to me about LGBTQ deaths.

All of the liberals I know have bought guns recently. We are a sad country.

This is how I see the 2nd Amendment.

Arm and train communities of color.
Arm and train the poor.
Arm and train the LGBT communities.

Mike Dukakis, Al Gore, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton. These are the “moderate democrats” who lost elections in the past 30ish years.

Here’s why Elizabeth Warren doesn’t have a chance: she backed off on Medicare for All after initially embracing it (back when she was, you know, still popular).

Many are hopeful that once the Boomer and older conservative Gen Xers are dead, that we’ll be in a magical new world with a lot less judgment than the old one. Unfortunately, those people are wrong.

What the fuck, white people?

That’s a super gross mindset to have. :(

Terrible. If I were to ever yeet myself off a building or something, I definitely want my kids to go on living. Hopefully learning from my mistakes and being better.

Makes sense.

Yeah, I know the term. With men it’s often linked to not being able to provide for the family (job loss, etc.). Horrible.

As a fellow raised in a conservative Christian home, I can attest that people can absolutely change. With time, life experience, and hella reading, I’ve ended up an atheist lefty. I don’t tolerate racism or gay/trans-hating in my vicinity when young-me thought gays were sin incarnate. I vote toward progress and ending

Why would slave owners worry about uprisings if they sincerely thought their slaves were well off? Why would they make teaching a slave to read illegal if they sincerely thought slaves wouldn’t read anything to disturb them?

taking a story about brutal colonialism and having it be “fun” seems like a “having your cake and eating it too” situation.

and the #1 question that I get asked is how much did I charge for <blank> service.

There is never a need for honor or fairness in a real fight. Kick the groin, gouge the eyes, slam the edge of your hand into the front of their neck. Get one of those knuckle-duster keychain things and stab them in the fucking eye. Do everything you can to survive unscathed.

Before the event, EA revealed the game would be singleplayer only, will not contain any microtransactions and would have no loot boxes. This was reconfirmed during the panel by Respawn Entertainment CEO Vince Zampella. The game is also being built in Unreal Engine 4.

I feel like it’s more of he’s using this for Fame and not to actually push the black community further. I’m for them going further but I do think he’s doing it with more selfish intentions then he’s showing