
I let our a cheer when I saw this hit the news the other day. It's small things like this that may go over some folks head like a jet, but to those of us who know….we'll know.

Glad to see I'm not the only one enjoying this debacle

This is the perfect "response" to this stupidity - thank you

This. Right. Here. I literally just freaked out my coworkers because I was giving my computer screen a standing ovation

Donny is everything to me — his version of Jealous Guy…..unreal. Watching his Unsung episode almost did me in and I can't help but hear his pain in every song. Thank you for communicating exactly how I feel about him and his voice.

Please tell me he got dragged

So excited for you guys - - and, now that I see how unassuming you are in person, I appreciate the fact that you took a picture with me and took time to speak during the reception for Luvvie's book even more now. Congrats and I can't wait to see what you guys have for us next.

I can't like this response enough


Ok, describing Views as "an 80-minute-long curation of catfish jizz" just made me shut down and go home for the rest of the day. I'm done….I can't stop laughing

I don't know you….but, you're my new best friend

This whole thing disgusts me — and Joakim Noah's comment about how his teammate was not there "all because of a girl trying to make money of my friends…." Uggh, I just want to smack him

Right there with you — my father passed while I was in my late 20s and, even though I know he believed I was going to be successful, I'm so disappointed that he hasn't been around to witness the whirlwind of my 30s, now early 40s. It's been 13 years and I still catch myself about to dial his work number to have a good

I had such hopes for this movie, but was definitely turned off by Nate Parker's tour-de-shit when the charges came out..I just can't anymore. And, that man you refer to as "Ascot Jesus" (which is brilliant by the way), is like a walking hashtracker — just finding shit to stir up — he's going after Luke Cage now. Are

I will say, his last scene made me laugh out loud

I don't remember seeing Turk in Jessica Jones — but, I could've missed him because I watched that before starting Daredevil…I may have to go back and give it a 2nd watch

I was all about this movie…..until all the Nate Parker news surfaced and my resolve just disappeared. I still am interested — but, I'll patiently wait until it comes on cable or something. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, like you, I was assuming this would be one of those "Let's take over the world" type of movies.

"every super hero needs a theme song" — thank you thank you thank you!!!

Yep - last year. It's hard to have a museum that charges on a city that has the Smithsonian

Heck yeah!!! I have that on my gym mix when I do cardio. Shoot, I may go home now and throw it on while I cook dinner