
I'm right there with you. There's an open space on 7th street where the crime and punishment museum shut down.

I play the Freek 'n' You remix with Wu Tang all the time — best random remix ever. Thank God for old school Napster and illegal downloading as that was never — to my knowledge — released as a true single.

If you haven't yet, check out the awful Stuart case in Boston back in the mid-80s. Dude stabbed his pregnant wife and then blamed a nameless black man. Wife dies and the Boston Police Dept. decides to kick down doors to find this non-existent criminal. It lasted weeks and tore the city — specifically the Mission Hill

This article is awesome.

I am in tears reading this…glad I wasn't the only one who had this in the back of their minds. Damon, I can't wait to meet you at next week's "I'm Judging You" event here in DC

Thank you! Actually, it was the realization of how much I can get done those Sundays and Thursday nights that made it that much easier. Also, truth be told, those stories about the retired players and their health problems just left a really bad taste in my mouth.

I was a pretty big fan of football, use to plan my Sundays around games. Then, Ray Rice and stories on HBO Real Sports about concussions/injuries and tax payers footing the bill for new stadiums happened. It took a couple seasons, but I walked away and am alright with just not caring anymore. Friends still try and get

This whole piece!! Thank you!

oops…..I had five in my head…but still, even 6 is easier to blow through than 12. Great review!

I didn't know there were only 5 episodes right now — I was afraid I'd start watching and then call in suck for the rest of the week so I can binge the whole first season. Damn….guess I'll be going home tonight to jump in head first.

This whole piece - YES!!!!

This whole piece just made my day…shoot, my year