Kristin Rawls

Do people think Allison's reconversion is genuine? Even if she's convinced he killed himself… She knows he did it trying to get to the next rung on the ladder. She's suddenly okay with this? The movement seems to have killed him either way.

I expect the heavy breathing is because he's having panic attacks over the murder. He seems to be in a fairly constant state of heavy breathing for days.

Scientologists proselytize heavily with dentists (and chiropractors) through an initiative/front group called WISE (World Institute of Scientology Enterprises). It's not unusual to find Scientology-oriented dentistry practices similar to the Meyerist dentist's practice in the show. They tend to have all-Scientologist

I think it's premature to conclude that Abe is turning or has been turned. I think it would be impossible to spend the kind of time it would take to infiltrate a group like this without it getting to you at least a little. And you'd have to suspend belief to some extent to be a convincing infiltrator. I hope the

I think that was the point. It's why Eddie looked at Sarah with that expression of horror on his face. He saw the hypocrisy, but she didn't.

I don't actually think Joy is very different from other teenagers raised in cults who are intelligent, ambitious and suited for leadership. She's a type A personality excelling in the only ways that are allowed. There's always at least one Joy in every extremist group. If the show continues for longer than one season,

I guess I'm in the minority here, but I'm not a fan of Rebecca the character being tone-deaf. For one thing, she was cast in a college musical, and you can't be totally tone-deaf to do that. You don't need to be great, but you need to be able to carry a tune. Anyway, she had loved performing, wanted to do it

I'm glad Valencia finally realized this was about Josh, and not about an outside threat posed by another woman. Good for her. I hope this doesn't mean she's not going to be on the show as often though.

Garret Dillahunt is playing Danny with a bad Southern accent. Like Danny, he started out at odds with Mindy — she even quit her job for a minute because of it. Like Danny, he's a misogynistic emotionally immature person who has antiquated ideas about gender roles. Like Danny, he has a gay sibling, whose character

You mean another misogynistic dude with antiquated ideas about gender roles? How exactly is Jody so different from Danny?

Oh, and I want to add this: I do think there's been one thing that's inconsistent with the character, and that was the way they explained his absence. That character wouldn't have trusted Mindy alone with the baby for all that time. And even if you view him more charitably, then he still wouldn't have chosen his

I wondered what he's doing for a job these days? I mean, if he left Shulman and Associates because he was too immature to deal with Mindy as a coworker… Has he been staying home with Leo for a while? I very much doubt he'd deal well with not working, and I wish we'd learned more about his employment situation.

I want to add a few things after listening to the Pop Culture Happy Hour NPR podcast on Mindy. Some of the participants suggested that it wasn't as clear that they were positioning Danny as a romantic interest for Mindy at the beginning. They thought Jeremy was used as a serious rival, which… I saw them positioning

I have a question: Am I the only person who saw sexual tension in that first interaction between Cal and Eddie? I mean… I haven't seen whatever that intensity was between Cal and anyone else. His relationship with Mary seems to be mostly about exerting control over her. And I don't think Sarah and Cal have ever seemed

Aw, thanks!

I actually don't think this has been such a striking transformation for Danny's character. He has always been sexist and conservative about gender roles — it's just that his attitudes started to affect Mindy a lot more after they had a child, got engaged and moved in together. I never found Danny's attitudes charming

Agreed. By the end, I think he was one of the most sympathetic characters on the show.

Yeah, true. So… Is there going to be a rational explanation for how they go digging around in people's abdomens?

One other thing: Kudos to the show for NOT showing us this week's scene with Liam in the role of Shirley, killing Professor Stoddart — assuming he is indeed the killer. The Shirley scene was horrific enough already. I'm glad I didn't have to watch a child commit that kind of murder.

Honestly, though, that scene… I had to look away several times, and when she threw up, I almost did too.