
I think she won FL too. I really do. Her numbers were MASSIVE in the early votes + absentee ballots and new registered voters there. Unprecedentedly massive!  Steve Schale (Obama’s FL analyst who did HRC’s this year) commented on his Twitter that he was stunned by the turnout Trump got in a couple counties in FL.

Democrats need to stand watch behind those state BOE offices in those swing counties to make sure the Repubs aren’t making midnight runs to the dumpster or farm with bags full of votes.

One of the Green Party’s core tenets is the execution of fair and open elections. She’s being consistent with her party’s position. They’ve agitated for recounts in the past, so it’s not unheard of.  

Worst case we’ll be back where we started from with the added bonus of irritating Trump. I realize it’s petty, but anything that causes him to second guess his self worth is ultimately worth it to me.

I don’t expect it to overturn the results; but I do expect it to highlight some serious problems with our voting system and perhaps some right wing voter fraud.

Yes, perhaps — “my life.” But my life isn’t actually the only one I worry about when I vote.

“...if this minor thing is what threw it off the cliff for your friend, she/he was not long for this world.”

YellowLeadIsBetter is a troll

That’s not actually true. If Trump guts Obamacare, there’s a lot of disabled people who will die, or be home/bedbound because they can no longer afford the expensive treatments that allow them quality of life.

I’m right there with you and fuck people telling us to get over it. If McCain or Romney had won I would have been greatly disappointed but not terrified as I am with this dangerous man. My fear is that his ego is big enough that he’d love to be a wartime president and with people like Bolton advising him a war with

“I assure you though, your life will go on even without your 1st choice of President”

Um, maybe it is you that should get over yourself? Maybe try not to be so dismissive of those whose lives may not “go on” as you say. If their health care is taken away, for example, they may very well die. But yeah, go on with your

I’m still hoping I’ll wake up.

Please dismiss your troll.

Please don’t ungrey trolls. :/ Especially since a lot of these fucks are probably paid Russian propagandists.

You should know that what you’re doing is extremely condescending. Real people are really concerned about the election of Trump. Telling them they shouldn’t be is unhelpful at best.

You idiots know that even with this recount you still lost the popular vote, right? You’re either a rube who fell for the fake news or a Russian-hired troll.

Death boards?

....says the guy who just confused 1.3 million for 30 000.

Awww, what a sweet armchair diagnosis. I’m sure I speak for everybody when I say:

I will live on this hope for as many days as it takes. If I have to settle back into the anxious dreaded filled nightmare scape that has enveloped my life the past few weeks once again, at least I’ll have had these few days of envisioning a country that did not elect an insane person to lead it.