
They do realize they’re setting themselves up for a whole lot of spit in their coffee, right?

Maybe Pence will require Thiel to undergo the gay conversion therapy? How can that not be an awkward pairing.

The heartening thing about Pam Bondi being here is that it shows Trump is too fucking stupid to realize he can’t do whatever he wants. He is going to get in serious trouble for corruption or something, and when he does, no one will defend him except the goons who have already hitched their fortunes irrevocably to his.

Sigh. I know. At least we can take a small bit of solace in the fact Thiel and Trump will eventually turn on each other and try to sue the shit out of one another. That may be fun to watch, right?

Pence is a very effective insurance policy.

The Trump Clan’s interpretation of “blind trust” will be, “Just turn a blind eye to our blatant disregard for the law and trust that we will continue our grifting enterprise”.

Right? I don’t know anything abut the technical legal elements f that, but I find it so hard to believe that he can surround himself with/be a person who has so many twisted interests and it’s all totally kosher. But idk it’s 2016 so anything goes

In a word: Yes.

Yes, but at the same time, in a weird way, stories like this give me hope. These choices are going to piss off his base. They were promised “change” and “swamp-draining”, but that isn’t what they are going to get.

Conflicts of interest, schmonflicsts of schmintrist is what I always say!

Please. They’re not paying attention. The election of Trump was just a validation to themselves their hatred of brown people and assorted “others” remains in the mainstream. They couldn’t give a fuck what he’s actually doing. So long as he rattles the cages with a few “Mexicans are rapists” and “extreme vetting

How many Trump supporters that cried foul over Hillary’s foundation quid pro quo are going to do the same with Pam Bondi being on this list?

It was already laughable for his kids to run a “blind” trust, but this is absurd now.

It’s like every person you hate assembling to form an Asshole Voltron.

Come on, pal, haven’t you ever drained a swamp by throwing more shit in it and hoping it forces the other shit down? Or something?

How can all of his children be involve if they will continue to manage his enterprises. Would this create conflicts of interest?

Why not just appoint Putin, Assad, the Legion of Doom and the Hellfire Club while he’s at it?

I have the most empathy for Obama today. Have you ever tried to train someone in something that they are clearly too stupid to understand? I have. And Obama has to basically train this fuck to be a President. The most important job in the world. He must want to scream and slam that fuckers head into a wall. And I

Speaker of the house I believe. Though while bad Paul Ryan is less horrid than Pence in my opinion (he has just had more national coverage of his horribleness).

isn’t it good that he’s shitting his pants that he won? maybe that means he was just saying all that stuff to become popular and isn’t AS committed to doing it as he said he was? If he was gung-ho about getting in office and deporting people, I don’t know that he’d be this scared?