
I disagree about married. I find most of the married without children people in my socially circle are the most financially secure. Admittedly most of those individuals both make decent, relatively equal salaries. It’s once people have children that things start getting tough.

It absolutely is:

While the Afro-Swedish population has been and remains quite small, historically Swedes have treated their indigenous Sami people badly. The “standard” forced assimilation/taking children from parents and forcing the into residential schools, taking land, considering them inferiority and discriminating them. So racism

I believe it’s printed on the back of the diploma. 

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So you’re a graduate of the Muncie College of Business Administration. It’s my understanding that it’s the Harvard of the Midwest.

Time to stock up on bandannas. No sewing required and you get a double layer of protection.

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I’m going to recommend a wonderful Canadian comedy Songs She Wrote About People She Know.

Interesting. I was always under the impression it was caffeine so hot herbal tea would be okay. Instead, it sounds like iced tea iced coffee would not be forbidden. Should I ever make it to the Hill Cumorah festival in Joseph Smith’s hometown I will ask around. 

Exactly! We’re entitled to them the same way we’re entitled it the same we we’re entitled to what’s in our 401Ks or payout from health/auto/renters/homeowners insurance if we suffer a loss - because we paid into/for it over years and decades. It’s bullshit how they act like it’s some sort of gift.

It sounds very festive. And strong. I may have to try it this winter just to see what the fireball does in it.

I do make sure to bring decent wine but...

What kind of beer? There are so many kinds.

I’ve done them at work. Mostly they involve half of us putting in cash for some breakfast pizzas to be delivered and others bringing in pastries and juices and fruit. Then everyone’s in a food coma all day.

Wine? A few bottles. And a couple of extra ice. Those are my go-tos.

I don’t know what the correct answer is but I would bring wine. A bottle each of red and white. The bigger 1.5L bottles as it would be awkward to carry 4 bottles. Pretty much what I always bring anywhere unless tasked with something specific. And maybe a few extra bags of ice because that’s often helpful. 

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I don’t listen to much country music, and even if I did, I don’t have cable so no CMT. I do, however, enjoy movies including those involving country music so I’m going to recommend this one.

That’s a shame because so many of those fancy dogs are prone to health issues from overbreeding. It’s much cheaper to adopt a rescue and make them fancy dogs by putting them in a sweater or a coat or a snood.

Not just her character.

Also flashbacks to the early 00s trying to support small businesses who thought using them were a good idea. No your payroll software is not supported by that OS.