
I'll be sure to let all the men who aren't emotionally strong because they suffer from PTSD know that they aren't real men. I'll let those men who aren't dependable because of their anxiety and depression know that they aren't real men. Respectful is subjective and ambiguous to boot.

Oh your sarcasm is quite clear. The only acceptable answer to what a real man is, is that there isn't one. Just like there is no definition for what a real woman is.

You have already made it clear that you see no wrong doing from Rebecca. Relationships are more nuanced than what are you trying to boil it down to. They're both wrong, but you are biased, so further conversation is pointless.

"I don't know if you noticed that a large number of posters in this discussion seem to agree with me."

Sprinkled around the boroughs.

Way to act like everyone experiences depression the same way. And it is quite telling the way you write, "I've also struggled with suicide and actually attempted, not just thought about counting pills from the age of 10."

The city.

Most of my relatives live in NY. But I can't handle the snow!

How quick you are to make excuses for the women! Rebecca may be over the guy, but he clearly is not over her and the writers make that crystal clear (doubt that will make a difference since you consider the writers so incompetent). Jack may be overly jealous, but none of that excuses Rebecca from keeping the truth

It's terribly oppressing. All hail the infallible OOGD! (Oppressor/oppressed gender dichotomy)

Aww, thanks! I'm just so tired of people and their insane biases.

She clearly gets her stereotypes from third wave victim feminism.

You can safely ignore who you're responding to, she has gone on a borderline obsessive hate commenting spree over Kevin. She also likes to paint the women characters as helpless victims of men, so three guesses as to what kind of lens she views the world through. Hint: it's the one where being a man makes you

Many Moore shared a picture of the whole family at the play, with Randall and Beth present, so the play does go on. You come off as quite the misandrist in your comments.

Or maybe you missed the whole part about how Toby's parent's divorce messed him up and he struggled with depression. Then his own divorce brought him to suicidal thoughts.

You may want to examine the biases you have regarding the sexes. It is interesting how you can turn female characters into agency-less victims.