It was a reference to your “RELIGION IS TEH PATRIARKKKY!!!” comment. You sound like a 110 iq freshman atheist who thinks they have it all figured out. Let me guess, you just fuckin’ love science and Neil deGrasse Tyson is one of your heroes?
It was a reference to your “RELIGION IS TEH PATRIARKKKY!!!” comment. You sound like a 110 iq freshman atheist who thinks they have it all figured out. Let me guess, you just fuckin’ love science and Neil deGrasse Tyson is one of your heroes?
So? Are your beliefs so fragile that you can’t handle someone telling you they think they’re wrong? A huge part of substantive discussion and debate in every context involves trying to bring people around to your beliefs. Why is that OK if we’re talking about current events, sports, business, or anything else, but not…
Also, I am charming. I was afraid that wouldn’t come through in my short comment, but I’m glad to see that it did.
Go write a poem about it, hippy.
I’ve never understood the animosity towards proselytizing. What’s wrong with talking openly about your beliefs? If you don’t like what someone else is saying, nobody’s forcing you to listen.
It’s simplistic, naive comments like this that help alleviate my nostalgia for my college days.
What does immutability have to do with it? As long as somebody isn’t hurting anybody else, they shouldn’t have to hide any aspect of who they are, whether it’s immutable or not.
What’s wrong with being openly religious? Somehow, I feel like you’d have a problem with someone saying “Fine, be gay but keep it to yourself please.”
Well, based on your history of articles and the reasoning in this one, I think the “stupid” part is a fair assessment. But I will agree that the c-word was over the line.
Also, the arguments against the wage gap are only condescending and offensive if you are the type of person who is offended by people disagreeing with you. Basically, you’re saying, “I believe X, and all arguments against X are offensive because believing not-X is offensive.”
Anyway, the never-ending griping about…
Yes, before you try to change society to solve a problem you bear the burden of proving that the problem exists. Why is that controversial?
Fails to account for hours worked and years of continuous employment. Women are more likely to take years off and on average, they work about 2/hrs per week less than men. You have to look at all the confounding variables. This infographic picks two (which even the infographic shows contribute to the gender pay gap).
You cannot use violence against someone just because their words hurt your feelings. What part of that can these people not understand?
Who cares?
By absorbing all of the poor kids, it ensured that none went to my private school. It also keeps an untold number of ne’er-do-wells off the streets between the hours of 8-3 so that upstanding citizens can go about their daily lives. It’s like pre-jail.
Suck it up, Nancy. You don’t think our boys on D-Day wished they could have used “tendonitis” as an excuse? Well guess what. They didn’t. Because they had a job to do. And they didn’t storm the beaches of Normandy and fight fascists across western Europe just so you could wheeze and moan about “inflammation,” you…
I wish Trump would have nominated Garland, so we could have had a quick show hearing for him before Senate Republicans could summarily vote him down and let Trump nominate Gorsuch.
Ginsburg, Kennedy, and Breyer are coming next, and I can’t stop laughing over the fact that you suckers lost the Court for 40 years. All you’ll have left is (the admittedly impressive) Kagan and Sotomayor, the biggest laughingstock to ever sit the bench.
Who cares what she thinks?
I just can’t imagine the type of “man” who would go and do that for the Hillary campaign.