KristenfromMA - A Moon Shaped Fool

Have never understood people who consider the end of their relationship a personal failure just because it ended. A personal failure would be acting like a horrible human being, or worse letting it affect your children (and others) more than it has to because of your own behavior.

Congratulations Karen Bass on beating a guy who’s face appears next to the definition of DINO.

Kim Kardashian, Elon Musk, Gwenyth Paltrow, Snoop Dogg, and Katy Perry

When Mitt ran for President, it was revealed that 3 out of 5 of his daughter-in-laws got pregnant through IVF. Seems kind of high to me.

so even an fertilized egg that hasn’t yet attached itself to the uterine wall is going to count too? Eventually having your period is going to be criminal if this slope keeps slipping.

Sounds like the budget for ICE should be cut.

Yeah, one of my best friends had to convert to marry her Catholic husband. The church wouldn’t even look at her prior to conversion.

Too bad Hell isn’t real because it would be a comfort to know that people like her would be roasting in the after life. 

Yeah, I made it through the first 15-20 minutes and gave up. It made me wonder if the project was directed by Jon Lovitz’s Master Thespian.

True, there are women who have killed their male partners or who they wish to have. Jodi Arias is an example. However, way more women are killed by men than the other way around. There are always exceptions to any “norm”.

Oh no, he wants to be accepted in that circle. But he doesn’t want to give up the victim status. Now, you can absolutely have a foot in each world; you just can’t do that and forget to advocate those who were left behind.

“This is the pattern for these sad, pathetic, little men.”

Fragile male ego syndrome at its finest.

Don’t forget Kanye’s march into the right-wing funhouse can be traced to Obama calling him a jackass.

The last time I had to take it was in 2006. The HR woman running the training said, “the first person you need to tell of your sexual harassment is the harasser himself! He doesn’t know otherwise!

So Vance ran because of a bad review. Musk bought Twitter because people mean Tweeted at him and trump ran because Obama joked about him at the correspondent’s dinner.

“According to her boss, Rob Dubow, the business ‘had no idea’ about the harassment as it went unreported to management.”

Unfortunately, I’ve seen this quote far too many times but it still applies. 

“Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them” Margaret Atwood.