Look, as a 5'6" guy — and I hate to say this and go onto a path of bitterness and monolithing women — but this is a very, very real thing.
Look, as a 5'6" guy — and I hate to say this and go onto a path of bitterness and monolithing women — but this is a very, very real thing.
I teach 16/17-year-olds so my initial reaction is "NO. NONONONONONO."
I've noticed an insidious sexism to these usual complaints that troubles me (not from you, just in general.) The usual pat mockery and bitchification of a woman who insists upon what she wants from HER OWN relationship grates on me. Consider it this way:
Yeah but the other person's relatives have to be on board with it too. I went to a family wedding with a guy once who didn't seem at all serious about me (as in we weren't even in a relationship.) His grandmother calls me over and says point blank "You have to push a man into marriage, or it never happens! You seem…
REALLY. I was surprised, because she'd come to Christmas Eve celebrations completely wiped out, claiming she'd been so busy at work. I'd just finished my hellish shifts at Borders myself so I didn't believe her. She said, "You have no idea". Just 8 hours of one woman after another, none of whom had rings yet.
Do people still get engaged in college? I only knew two who did, and that was 10+ years ago.
Oh no! I'm legitimately sad for Jen of "The Little Couple." I got sucked into that show one Sunday when I was flipping channels and stopped on TLC because there was a cute little Asian baby who was too flipping adorable to even be real. They seem like genuinely nice people, and I hope she makes a full recovery.
Sooooo....will all the folks who bashed the customers in the first thread regarding this incident come back and offer up some sort of apology?
Re: Religion
I've held off watching an episode of this show because of the hype. I did the same with Breaking Bad. Somehow, I don't think DD will have anywhere near the payoff that BB did if I start watching it. But then again, I never walked into a rural Walmart while on a road trip and saw Heisenberg on every plastic surface and…
Also, if you have Amazon Prime and a real Kindle (vs the Kindle app), you get access to their lending library where you can basically check out certain books for free for a month (one book a month). It's limited, but some local online library services are super-backed up with very long waiting lists for certain books,…
As a non-Jewish person, I am also sick of your people being dragged into this shit. Way to go, Kanye, blaming your problems on a group of people who have historically been the world's punching bag for longer than pretty much everyone else.
As a Jewish person, I am so sick of our people being dragged into this shit. Just leave us out.
Nigella Lawson's ex-husband says he never saw her do drugs, but that's not stopping him from saying he thinks she did do drugs. Sigh.