I just want him to go away
I just want him to go away
Same! Mine also doesn't get the concept that you don't need to discuss every little thing I do on Facebook with me in real life. My friend posted a music video that had Alexander Skarsgard in it and I commented something like "I love Skarsgard" or something. My dad comes up to me weeks later and asks "What's a…
The best is when they post that comment not on your wall, but on a picture you're tagged in or a comment somebody else left on your wall
"my inner goddess"
It was terribly boring sex
I thought it was terribly boring to be honest. I don't understand how this book can be called BDSM because there is barely any actually in it, unless James thinks it's the same as being in an abusive relationship... I've heard many bloggers call this series out for the way it equates BDSM with being a fucked up person.
Most of Anna's dialogue is "jeez", "argh", "ergh", "err"... They could probably replace her with the Geico caveman and nobody would even notice.
My bf's dad looks like an older Daniel Craig. It's disturbing!
Yeesh, that sounds awful=(
Hmm, I've never been pregnant but I guess I can see how the added support can help if you're sore afterwards. I didn't believe my grandma at first because she's chock full of superstitions and old wives tales. But hey, you gotta love em=)
Question—have you ever heard that after a woman gives birth, she's supposed to wear Spanx/a girdle of some sort to help get everything back to where it was before? My grandmother was telling me this because she thinks the reason why my mom has a post-baby "pooch" (her word, not mine ugh) is because she refused to wear…
This is what I was thinking! Given how much those things cost, I'd have thought they'd want the economy boost.
Yeesh. Both me and my boyfriend are members of the Catholic church (not practicing! just baptized) and I hope to God we don't get weaseled into a church wedding by our families.
The Telegraph says she went back to El Salvador and "rekindled a childhood flame". Though of course this is quoting a priest, so how the fuck would he know what really happened?
From the Telegraph:
Nah, don't worry you sound like you're doing it right=) I just think she wears them even when it seems like there not necessary—like in the summer. Or when she paired plain nude hose with her slutty french maid costume on Halloween, which honestly defeated the purpose in my opinion lol.
She's one of the few female friends I have, and I'm self-conscious about that so I'm always kind of wondering if the reason I don't have any girl friends is because I'm not picking up on social cues or something. I usually just change the subject because I just want to eat my food without hearing about how bloated she…
I do 3) most of the time, but sometimes I feel like it doesn't matter how cool and collected I am, I'm going to be a nutty bitch by even suggesting something even remotely associated with feminism. Apparently it's even enough for my former friend to be "reminded of me" by a stupid, ill-informed picture. I didn't press…
That's so funny because my friend is obsessed with pantyhose—she basically has half a dresser devoted to them. I don't think I've ever seen her wear it with a sundress but I wouldn't put it past her haha.
Hmm, I never really thought about it like that, but it does make sense. I think I remember her saying once that her mom is really obsessed with her appearance,. Her mother is one of the most verbally abusive people I've ever come across—she has a habit of calling my friend if she ever does ANYTHING that displeases…