
Yeah, that’s the main takeaway.

The first half of Infinity War makes it clear that no, he hasn’t. Hell, he tries to joke around while Gamora is having a serious life-or-death conversation.

I think the disappointment is from people who thought he’d grown up as a result of those movies. I think he has grown, but perhaps just not fully.

Yep. There’s no reason we shouldn’t have seen at least a little bit of his leadership qualities in Infinity War. Instead he was the designated butt monkey of the movie. Nobody listened to him, the Guardians split up with basically no input from him, and most of his lines were him being jealous and kind of irritating.

Yeah like even if they got the gaunlet off then what? It’s not going to fit any of them, they don’t know how to use it. Thanos wakes up, kicks their butts because he’s still super strong, grabs the gauntlet back.

I mean, wasn’t it his plan that had them on the verge of defeating Thanos?

The problem was that they forgot to make Star Lord heroic before he messed everything up.

People who think Quill’s breakdown was nonsense somehow missed his entire character over the two Guardians movies and first half of Infinity War. The dude has always been portrayed as an goofy, emotionally unstable manchild (and for good reason, given his upbringing and all the trauma in his life). His freakout was

The problem was that they forgot to make Star Lord heroic before he messed everything up. His purpose in the movie up until that point had been to be as petty and irritating as possible. Just a moment of actual leadership or heroism would have made him much more sympathetic than he was.

Except, according to Strange, it wasn’t a “mistake”.

Maybe warning him changes his actions. He did say out of 14 million times, there was only 1 path that they won.

Great GIF choice, Macklin...

Okay. I can’t stay mad at you.

Its pretty obvious Star Lord had to do what he did, otherwise Strange would have warned/subdued him.

But he proved he was a true Gryffindor in the end, by pulling the sword out of the hat and saving the day.

Did you miss how every Neville-centric plotline is about him being braver than everyone else?

ya know what, aimée? i’m going to agree, and you know why? because neville, no matter what house he was in, was pure hufflepuff.

Just admit the hat was right and move on.