
So incentivize riders to refuse good drivers, accept bad drivers, and give low ratings so that there are more cheap drivers available?

Ah yes, the always helpful “get a different job” tip.

“Having Amazon in your city, will push officials to make public transport improvements fast.”

*At the cost of the taxpayers throughout the state. At least that is how it will be for Boston.

And if you think the improvements will be fast - you haven’t heard about the Big Dig then. 

How’s that working out in California, especially places like Silicon Valley?

In Boston, MA the Seaport District, which is worth billions to developers and owners, have done zero to roads, public transit or water transit. Oh, they discussed putting a toll booth on interstate 93 so us worker bees can pay for it. My friend quite her job at Seaport because it took her 40 minutes to drive a half

But who pays?

I’ve read too much about the competition at the top at companies like Amazon, Google, Apple. things like replacing the bottom 10% of works every year no matter what. Project competition. These all lead to a shitty work/life balance. I’m not looking to be a slacker at work but I also don’t want the anxiety of having to

As a Seattleite, when I read about this process, I often think about the Winner’s Curse. Basically, the theory goes that, given incomplete information, the winner of an auction tends to overpay. I’m fairly sure that will apply to the HQ2 search. Cities compete to give more and more incentives, and in that process the

Give away property, displace people, give away the farm with tax breaks or outright cash gifts, and in return you get fewer jobs than promised, an influx of gentrifiers (because they won’t hire loser locals!), overnight explosion in the cost of living, and a massive corporation shoving their nose into local politics.

I live nearish to Pittsburgh and while the Amazon HQ would mean jobs, they are notorious for treating their workers like shit. Compound that with what the city would do to court those jobs... the whole situation just makes my skin crawl. It’s a race to the bottom.

Ditto all this; it applies to all sizes. Just because someone is super fit doesn’t mean they know how to train someone well. Or they may be a fount of knowledge! I’ve seen good and terrible trainers in all shapes and sizes.

It’s possible that this trainer started out EVEN FATTER and managed to get certified along the way in their journey. You don’t know their whole story. Maybe they do Ironman-distance triathlons. Maybe they’re into powerlifting.

There are a lot of people who just want to be healthy enough to stay active and injury free. They might be intimidated by a fitness-model-style trainer and just want someone who knows enough to keep them on the right track. Every gym seems to keep a couple employed if only to maintain clientele from across the

Fat =/= unfit.

Could be a number of things.

The best way to avoid being attacked by Bigfoot if you’re hiking in the woods is to bring a camera.

That moment when you feel like you’ve burned someone but in turn you’ve burned yourself lol.

Let me get this straight... These many cameras caught this meteor, but we still don’t have one clear image of a UFO? Not one clear image of a ghost?

For once, you guys have the high ground on the editing tip.

“states, and Canada”