
Thank you!

I don’t care who you are. If you were asked to sit in the same chair that Bill Gates and Steve Jobs sat in, you fuckin’ sit in that chair!

Why waste money on editors when people will do it for free in the comments?

Everyone screws up sometimes, but, in my experience, people don’t judge you by your mistakes, they judge you by how you handle the situation,  what you learn from it, and how you recover and move on. This just gives the appearance that he is afraid to face anyone, and I believe the correct word to describe that

If only so many Trump voters weren’t actually racist/fascist/misogynist/
religious nuts/gun nuts/homophobe etc...

I forget where I saw this quote, but thought it summed up the worst of the right pretty well:

Yes, we’ve all met them. But, obviously, they don’t care about climate. They say they do to signal that they’re different than other conservatives. “See! I’m not some creationist loon, I’m sciency and rational!” but it never affects their politics or votes.

You have my vote.

Exactly. These people would poison their own well, literally, if it meant also hurting their neighbors

I think the left should start a campaign saying how important breathing is. The GOP will obviously have to oppose it and this will tell their flock to stop doing it.

It’s amazing no one remembers Bush saying that, and that it was the de facto party position on the matter in 2000.

I am reminded once again that the primary motivation for many Trump voters was just to “screw the liberals,” and the fact that many Administration actions will actually hurt them is meaningless as long as liberals are also hurt.

Yes but remember that we were all told that Hillary was a crook who was in the pocket of Wall Street and would get us into another war, probably nuclear. Obviously, Trump was none of those things.

We’re backsliding on... everything. Climate change, civil rights, race equality.

See? Trump and Hillary are exactly the same. This would be happening if Hills were elected too, right?

In 2000, on the campaign trail, soon-to-be President Bush expressed skepticism regarding the certainty of climate change. After being elected into office, he ordered the National Academy of Science to review the issue. Their report was that the 2000 IPCC report was a good summary of the current scientific consensus on

No, it makes you rational.