Boring McCricket

What really keeps pissing me off is all the people who know exactly why someone else finds it funny. Some people probably do find it funny for the "wrong" reasons, but the idea that everyone does or that anyone knows how many people are laughing at it for which reason is stupid.

This is wonderful. It's bizarre and sad that when people think of Native folks, they only picture someone in a jingle dress or war bonnet and can't make that mental leap that we dress in jeans and tee shirts and go to work and every other normal ass thing the rest of the country does. The multiple times I've was asked

Paul Rudd isn't my boyfriend, but he is the object of my affection.

Greetings and farewells are a big part of my social anxiety, especially with kissing. I really, really just don't like the obligatory touching involved in those parts of social interaction. Why can't I just use my mouth to say "hello" and goodbye"?

Oh, right, I forgot how the free market made healthcare options so super-awesome because of the incentive to provide a good product.

LOL LOL LOL BOTH of those things have appeared on this site in the past week. We shared the excellent Gawker interview with her regarding the film, AND if you tilt your head slightly down, you will see that the lovely and brilliant Ms. Wood's statement led our Tweet Beat last night. BUT HAVE A SLICE OF PUMPKIN PIE

NO. No on their own, double no with that dress, holy ten-carat electroplated Jesus what were you thinking. NO.

I guess I just don't get Doug's jokes then. Seems like he just really wanted to use the word "blunderbuss."

Wow, I thought this was all a fun, tongue in cheek conversation. Thanks for bringing me back to earth. My quinoa salad will be seasoned with my bitter tears tonight!

That's pretty pedantic.

soooo, you basically didn't read this article and immediately stared commenting impetuously and via strictly emotional response. good to know.

I don't understand the problem with this letter. They DID apologize, "Please accept our apology", and they also said that they felt that this woman was discrete and sensitive to those around her and they had no explanation as to why the flight attendant had reacted the way she did. What more did she want?

They also tend to be quite proportional, like the ideal hourglass figure just scaled up a bit. I'm fairly certain I would not look like that if I gained enough weight to be plus-sized.

The plus-size models we celebrate always have more-or-less flat tummies, don't they? It's never a woman with a muffin-top.

Except for the percentages offer that do...