Krissy in NH

Here’s a suggestion, do what I do, first of all RAISE YOUR RATES! It’s long over due..rates haven’t gone up in 25 years! And it’ll weed out the “reviewers”. Up your game and demand better clients and you will find that those “reviewers” will skip right over you but you will attract a higher class of clientele. Then,

The big deal it is illegal and law enforcement can use YOUR reviews to investigate, arrest and prosecute us! And the ironic part is, 90% of those “reviews” are fake. They are the equivalent of Penthouse forum, gleaning their info from our ads, web sites, emails, phone calls and appts that they walk out on or don’t

Actually, most providers are very ambiguous in their ads and web sites, offering time, companionship, massage therapy, private dancing, etc. because...what you gentlemen seem to be forgetting...soliciting prostitution is illegal!! If these “reviewers” kept their “reviews” tactful, discreet and general, and didn’t