Kris Smoot

Just so everyone knows, no one really gives a shit if you didn't like Linkin Park right now. No need to preface your sympathy.

I loved it. It was almost as good as Ivy Tripp, which is hard for most musical acts to top, let alone Waxahatchee. Then again, it's also it's own animal and I can appreciate how tight the music feels despite being so free-flowing. Right now I have this as my third favorite album of the year, right behind Bad Cop/Bad

Don't cheat on my wife made me laugh so hard. Objectively the best part of the whole season.

I'm sad that he didn't welcome anyone to Slamtown

That's just a rule of life

This show thinks centrism is the way to rein in voters, even though the 2016 election and to another extent the UK election from Thursday violently disprove that notion (one for the worse and one for the better).

I'm still salty that the election episode showed results coming in before polls even closed. There were states already declared when the ICO "incident" in Tennessee happened, yet the scene it cut to was in broad daylight! In November!

Lionel Hutz erasure

Thanks for reminding me that the five months of progress I made on Neko Atsume last year was wiped out when I got a new phone, causing me to never play it again, #salty #dicksoutfortubbs

Including his ex-wife (with his fists) (allegedly)

Welcome to the "Watches Drag Race but Also Plays Fantasy Football" Club.

I think of "When I'm good I'm good but when I'm bad I get a serious venereal disease" at least once a day and I get a slight chuckle out of myself every time. Bless this season.

Right. Like how the nerdy guy gets bullied constantly yet feels entitled to the attention of women because they're not bad like THOSE men, when in fact their harassment is a lot more insidious. It took me way too long to realize that on a personal level because I WAS that type of guy.

I am absolutely using Caligula style realness in everyday life for the rest of my life.

All these years of not using kingsmoot as a username WASTED